Chapter 55

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(Faith pov)


Faith: "Ari!? Moonlight!?" I yell around in an empty house. "This isn't funny Babe!! Stop playing around!!"

I continue to creep around the hallway & I hear crying at the end of the hallway. Slowly I walk towards it…I stop & hesitate before opening the door. Slowly open the door & walk in.

The whole room changed & I was outside in the middle of the street when I turned around I saw Courtney crying & in her arms Ariana covered in blood.

Courtney: "You Fucking did this Shit you Bitch!! She's dead because of you, why did you let her die!!! Just because Nico Died too didn't mean you had to take her too!!!"

Faith: "I…I…I…Didn't mean to…She's not dead noo!! Shut up, this isn't real!!!"

Courtney: "Really look around this isn't real!? Fuck you all she wanted was to understand you, but noo she's here & you have to live with that for the rest of your life…you didn't just take her take you stole her, fuck you Faith!! She'd be better off without you in her life!!"

I didn't want to believe this, I didn't want her to be gone. All I could do was stare at her covered in blood, it was fault she wasn't supposed to go with me.

Nico: "Great Job sis, great fucking job I swear all you do is hurt the people around & kill anyone you absolutely love…por tu culpa ella esta muerta, deberias estar orgulloso de eso no? Right I forgot you couldn't even show up to my goddam funeral!!"

I just looked back & forth with my brother & Ariana. Her life was in my hands…I did the last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt her. I was supposed to give her the world & I took that from her.

Nico: "You're going to stand there like a bitch!!! On God Faith Grow the fuck up She's dead its your fault live with like you lived with my Death…Because everyone around you dies all you do is reek of Blood!!" He gets all up in my face.

Faith: "Shut up!!! Shut up!!! Ya Cállate!!! Esto no es real!!! Get out of my head , stop doing this to me, she's not dead!!" I push him back

Nico: "Look at her!!! Fucking look at her cover in blood."

He grabs me & takes me over to Ariana but before she has a chance to shove me I wake up.

~Nightmare ends~

I immediately woke up scared, panicking, hands shaking. I couldn't even pull myself together to look over to see if Ari was there. With all my tossing & turning she mumbled my name.

Ariana: "Faith!?"

Looking at her all I could imagine was her covered in wounds & blood. That was the draw for me. I immediately rushed out of bed into the bathroom & wanted to throw up.

Faith's: "Mmm I'm going to fucking throw up!!"

I made it to the sink taking as many deep breaths I could trying to calm down. I tried to do what I always did when I had one of these episodes but it wasn't helping at all.

Ariana: "Faith!!! Babe!!? What's wrong you okay!?" I knew I woke her up.

She rushed to my side & when she touched my shoulder it all came back. I fell down next to the toilet puking.

~minutes later~

Faith's thoughts: "When I thought I put these emotions behind me only for it to all come back & bite the shit out of me."

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