25 | Illyria Holmes & The Case of Arthorien

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25 | Illyria Holmes & The Case of Arthorien


Illyria Strange | The Eternal

Location: Arthorien, Far Harad, Middle Earth, Arda

Time: April 2981 T.A

Midday came around and forced Illyria to get something to eat.

Their food was delicious and shared the same spice level she used to eat back in Kamar-Taj, making her stomach churn from homesickness rather than hunger itself.

Bilbo of course stuck to the less spicy food, despite his hobbit mindset to try as many new foods as possible. But she figured out that after practically becoming a dwarven consort and an honorary dwarf himself: he cut down his typical meal plan and had gotten used to skipping his second breakfast (outrageous if you asked her). Bilbo merely rose his nose up and defended himself, saying that he was too busy deciphering the rest of the maps she neglected for the past few days, causing her to fall silent.

She was so invested in training that she almost forgot the reason why they were here in the first place. She would have to work on them tonight instead of practising her usual training.

That was why she was going to do her training in the afternoon, as Maglor gave her enough hours before their next lesson. Oerion told her the directions to the training quadrant of the southwest side of Arthorien, thanking the elf as she bid both Bilbo and Shana a see you later from the Khōn. It wasn't long to get there, passing their temporary home and then turning at right down to a rather busy road.

She wasn't expecting that people were training at this time, but then again: they weren't the typical elven and dwarven warriors or soldiers she knew.

Several were using physical weapons, using metal swords to wooden quarterstaffs. But others (typically ones she remembered travelling with Mithrellas) were using sorcery instead. A mixture of eldritch magic and even elven magic was shown and she tried all she could not stare in awe of how elegant and vicious they fought.

If Maedhros had a few more decades of training, he might be able to use magic in fighting better than he was now.

Maglor was right to take him to his friend then if this was the level of combat magic he could touch upon.

After snapping herself from ogling, Illyria found a quiet spot in the large training yard. She stretched herself for the first few minutes, wincing at the bruises and the scars she now had since returning to Middle Earth six months ago. All were reminders of what she had gone through. The tough training she endured as well as the most deadly battle in her home.

She redid her braid, now in its usual hairstyle before she took a breath and gripped the wooden quarterstaff she had taken from the rack in storage.

Illyria went through her basic patterns first, keeping her breathing controlled as she tried to move in a fluid dance in her available space. Most of the time she had a partner when practising, usually Maedhros or Wong. Sometimes America Chavez if she was visiting Kamar-Taj and was able to find her – mostly training with Master Hamir on her dimensional magic.

Thankfully she did wear footwear this time and didn't wear her armour and robes due to the heat. Her tunic was wrapped with a belt and her trousers were tucked in to stop herself from tripping but flowing enough with her body to allow air to cool her skin.

But her focus kept going, her surroundings remaining part of her concentration. She allowed her own magic to coarse through herself, bringing a sense of thrum and excitement as she twirled at her heels and jabbed at the air with her staff.

𝗟𝘂́𝗺𝗲̈,𝗜𝗻𝗱𝘂𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗻 𝗮𝗿 𝗔𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗼 | LOTR & Marvel Crossover [PART3]✓Where stories live. Discover now