No other way

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"Fated pairs are found more often than people think, even though there's only a ten percent chance throughout the world's population."

Kirishima stares at the teacher. He feels tired and drained today, his body aching with something unfamiliar. He quietly ponders why there's a smiley face in the corner of his desk; he didn't put it there.

"Why do people mate?"

"Ah well..." Kirishima looks up to find the teachers cheeks flushing sime, Kaminari's question obviously catching him off guard,"Well you see... Usually its for love."

"Or beneficial reasons?" Iida asks from the back.

"Yes there are also those scenarios." The man nods.

"What if its neither?"

Kirishima looks across the room, staring at Bakugo as the blond stares the teacher down. The health teacher gulps, obviously nervous under such a mean glare.

Bakugo's eyes are hard, mean. He looks uncomfortable sitting there like he normally does, but at the same time he looks like he could fight somebody.

"Neither as in...?" The teacher asks quietly, glancing back at Mr. Aizawa, the other teacher also looking interested in Bakugos question.

"Lets say the omega has a sudden heat or an alpha falls into rut?... What then?"

"You mean by accident?"

"I mean by force."

The room goes deadly silent, and Kirishima can't rip his eyes off his best friend. Bakugo is talking about rape out loud, like its not an uncomfortable subject for some people. He feels his own throat tighten at the very thought of it, at the thought of losing yourself so much to your instsincts... That you could do such a horrible thing without realizing.

"Well..." The health teacher sighs,"The best thing that either party could do in a situation like that is either accept what has happened, and learn to know eachother and maybe even begin a happy life togther..." He frowns, looking kinda sad then,"Or... Either party could get a legal grant to be lawfully seperated and meet twice a month to just sit and talk, maybe scent some, so your pheromone levels stay stable."

"Yeah but then you can't mate for love ever." Bakugo says. His voice is cold and almost too quiet. The health teacher frowns and looks back at Mr. Aizawa.

Aizawa nods and stands,"Bakugo... That will be enough on this topic. Youre making some of the other students uncomfortable."

"I'm just saying what's fucking true." Bakugo hisses back- his voice shakes, and Kirishima feels his neck tingle, hackles raising on the back of his neck. The people around him start scenting protection or fear.

Aizawa sighs, and Kirishima sees the way the old man looks at the blond before Bakugo glares at him and turns his face away from the class. Kirishima wants to stand up and rush over to hug him, but he can't. He can't. Not in class.

"Anyways!" The health teacher draws everyone's attention back to him, obviously trying to distract everybody from Bakugo and Aizawa.

But Kirishima doesn't look away, watching as his teacher leans down and whispers something incoherent to Bakugo before the blond stands, being escorted from the room.

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