Good weird

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"I want you to be careful about how much you take from now on Kirishima."

"Yes sir." The red head swallows tightly, shame slowly filing through his chest and up his throat as he stares at the ground,"I apologize for any trouble I've caused. It wasn't my intention..."

It's silent in the small room for a few agonizing moments. Kirishima clenches his hands into his pants, eyes squinting together as he fights back his own self rage. He's so stupid. He's caused so many problems lately.

"There's no need to apologize for something that you clearly tried to prevent." Aizawa says in a monotone voice, but there's something behind it that makes Kirishima feel that he cares,"You may have gone the wrong way with dealing with it, but it's clear you tried to prevent a rut that could have caused problems too."

Kirishima nods, bringing in a steady breath as he looks up at his teacher. He feels nervous as Mr. Aizawa stares at him intently, and that confirms Kirishima's feeling of his mentor caring for him,"The doctor informed me that your dosage would be stronger, and although he said the side effects were to be less problamatic the words on the bottle say otherwise." The dark haired man sighs deeply, glancing at some papers on his desk before leaning against it heavily,"Is there anyone you want to help you with notes or around-campus activities?"

"I-I can suffice." The younger boy shakes his head urgently,"I don't want to cause inconvenience to anyone else. I'm already a benchwarmer that teachers have to watch."

"No, you're not." Mr. Aizawa grumbles under his breath and sighs again. This man needs to sleep more often,"Anyways... Are you sure you don't want right hand help. With your condition and all."

His condition. His conditionHis condition.

"Yes sir, I'm sure." He says softly, looking at the floor again. How worthless can he be that his teacher has to ask him if he needs "help" with simple, everyday tasks.

There's another sigh, although this one seems annoyed, but yet smothered. Aizawa shifts in his chair, turning back to his laptop as he clicks one single button and glares off to the side,"You're dismissed."

"Thankyou, Sensei." Kirishima stands, and he immediately feels the drugs working on his body, lightheadedness making him slow down in his rise.

He finds the will to bow properly though,"Goodnight sir."


He walks back to the dorms with a soft step in his pace, trying his best to keep himself from hurling or face planting. The moon is bright, and he feels so warm inside, almost as if he has a fever. He knows he doesn't have a fever though; its just the drugs.

He sighs as he comes to the porch steps of their dorm, and brings in a long, deep breath, shifting his weight forward heavily.

It's just stairs.

The door is cool against his hands as he pushes against it, and his shoes feel even cooler for some reason. The chilled air of the dorms bring sweet relief to his skin, and it makes him smile just a little as he places his shoes on the rack and slides his slippers on.

He walks across the common room, and he's kinda glad that everyone os already in bed, he's not sure he could stand another 5 minutes with them today. He loves them all to death, but they've been smothering him and have been crying over him all day, ever since he got back.

He knows they care... But it feels like they're shoving it in his face. He knows they'd never do that purposely, but it's... It's hard.


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