So easily

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"Oi! Shitty hair!?"

Kirishima blinks, eyes unfocused. He gasps and sits up straight. He looks up from the little fold out table sitting infront of him, looking up at Bakugo as his face burns in embarrassment.

Bakugo stares down at him from the bed, crimson eyes drawn into a tight, calculating look. He looks the red head over a few times, his normal comic book laying in his hand to the side.

"You good?"

"...Yeah." He sighs, pressing the heel of his hand to his forehead,"Bakugo, sorry man, but I just can't tonight..." He looks back down at his papers, vision unfocusing again and making him squint as he tries to read.

And as that doesn't help either he sighs and closes his book, looking off to the side in an ashamed manner.

It's silent, and moments tick by, Kirishima feeling those eyes on him. He swallows, taking a chance and looking at his friend.

Bakugo frowns at him, eyebrows furrowed tight above his eyes. Kirishima feels his chest clench, blood boiling some in annoyance.

"Don't glare at me like that." He says, looking back down at the math book infront of him,"I just can't ok, not tonight."

And it's silent again. Kirishima feels his muscles tighten in fear that maybe he's made his friend mad at him. That once again, Bakugo will kick him out.

But... As two bare feet hit the floor, the tops of them covered by baggy sweats, he looks up.

He watches as Bakugo carefully folds the table up, and slides it away beneath his bed. He then sits right infront of the red head and they lock eyes, staring hard.

Its quiet, and Kirishima is confused, sitting there and watching as Bakugo's pretty red eyes trace over his face. Kirishima does the same, admiring the man infront of him.

And then... Well, nothing happened. All they did was stare at eachother, one waiting for the other to speak, move. But nothing happened.

Bakugo simply stood up, said he'd be right back, and left the room.

Kirishima sat there, staring at where Bakugo had been sitting. He expected Bakugo to yell at him. Maybe comfort him. Maybe ask him what was wrong, why he was acting weird.

But he did not expect him to just... Stare.

He stands, and slowly, he smells it. He smells something sweet, and spicey, and just... It just smells so good.

Did Bakugo... Scent the room?

He sniffs the air, walking towards the bed and leaning down to it. Its strong here, sweet and savory. He bites his lip, then shucks his socks and jeans, crawling into Bakugos bed, being careful of theneest thats precisely constructed there and curling up with the blanket.

The smell that surrounds him calms his nerves, his tight muscles falling lax inside him, his mind finding a way to wander off.

Is this... Bakugos scent?

Hes never smelled it before. It's soft and warm, sweet but hot. He basks in it, pressing his face tight to the blankets he has has a hold of. Bakugo must've forgotten his suppressant this morning, maybe that's why Kirishima can smell it so strongly.

And maybe... Thats why he drifts into sleep so easily tonight.


When he wakes up again its dark in the room. The silence of night makes it peaceful and warm, and he sighs as he stretches some then rolls over.

And hes baffled to find Bakugo there. Maybe he shouldn't be, considering this is Bakugos room, but he certainly wasn't expecting to see the blond laying so close to him.

Bakugos eyes blink open seconds later, and he flinches as he sees Kirishimas eyes open. They stare, both rather wide eyed because of the surprise. Kirishima can't get over how incredibly close their faces are, and he can't help the way he thinks about leaning those last few inches to the blonds forehead.

But he doesn't, keeping that tiny bit of distance between them. Bakugo is silent too, his own crimson eyes shying away aggressively as they lay there.

He looks away, looking over the blonds head as they lay there. He wonders how long Bakugo has been back, or even what time it is. The moon is pretty high, so it must be late. Why didn't Bakugo wake him up? Why didn't the omega get mad about his bed, or about the alpha being in his nest. Last time kirishima tried to crawl in Bakugo freaked out and panicked. He nearly blasted the red heads face off.

And he jumps. Something warm and gentle touches the back of his hand and he swallows, ruby eyes trained hard on a black smudge on the wall. He's stiff as Bakugos finger traces a soft line down the back of his hand, Kirishimas whole world lighting up with a million fireworks, all at once.

He can't necessarily bring himself to look at him. Bakugos hand is gentle as he slides it up against Kirishima's, carefully flipping the red heads hand over and tracing lines and circles, almost massaging the other boys palm.

He feels... Weird. There's this thundering feeling raging through his chest, body heating up with each touch that Bakugo presses into his hand. His muscles twitch beneath Bakugo's fingers, and he tries his best to swallow the growing lump in the back of his throat.

He takes a breath, chest expanding widely. Bakugo stops for a moment, and Kirishima's breath catches in his throat as that spiky blond hair brushes his chin. Bakugos hand returns, obviously having been startled by Kirishima's deep sigh. He's gentle as ever, tracing those little circles into Kirishima's hand, and the red head just can't stand laying here and letting it happen.

So he brushes his own fingers against Bakugos palm, and the blonds breath hitches softly, making Kirishima pause in his own attempt.

But then the omegas hand touches his again, and Kirishima doesn't hesitate to lace their fingers together.

They don't do anything after that, simply laying there and holding hands in the quiet of the night. Its late, and maybe that's why Kirishima falls back into sleep so easily.

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