"You can't-"

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Maybe he should call off on patrols until this shit is under control?

Otherwise he'll only be in the way. What happens if he does something on the field like he did in training today? Innocent people could lose their lives because of shit like that.

He should call Fatgum tomorrow. Then he'll inform Mr. Aizawa about his decision.

Just until he can control it in training. Then he'll go back out on the field.

He feels his mating gland twinge uncomfortably, his hand reaching up and pressing against it. He closes his eyes, sighing heavily. Bakugo must be coming to his room.

He rolls onto his side, staring hard at the wall as he bites his lip. Bakugo is probably mad. Kirishima knows how much the omega hates omega inequality, and part of that is an alpha commanding an omega without consent.

God why!? Why did he do that!? It was so mean, and rude, and inconsiderate.

What if the command had been harsher than what he'd said. What if he'd told Mic to back down and sit? He would've embarrassed his teacher badly infront of his classmates, and not only that, but it also shows just exactly how unstable and dangerous he is in this state.

How can he fight like this? He obviously can't control his motor skills the way he should be able to yet. He has to work on it.

He cringes as the door opens, as expected. He'd nearly forgotten that he'd felt Bakugo approaching his dorm room. As the door clicks softly behind him, he draws his legs up to his chest, body stiff and worn out. How can he face the omega he likes after he'd literally just violated another person.

Its so wrong.

He hears his desk chair creak, the wheels rattling as its dragged across the floor.

"Its 11 pm shitty hair. And you're over here groaning and grunting like a dumbass bear. The fuck is up?"

Kirishima bites his lip hard, fingers twisting beneath the pillow under his head.

He doesn't know how to speak, let alone answer. How the fuck is he supposed to explain? Bakugo knows anyways, he was there when it happened. He saw Kirishima laying on the ground, weak and breathless. He'd seen the alpha snarl at their superior, commanding the older man down like he was nothing but a damn dog.

It was wrong.

"Oi. Shitty hair...?"

He swallows hard, tasting blood on his lip again. He needs to stop chewing his lips.

He flinches, eyes growing wide as a weight sits behind him,"Hey."

"Why did I command him? I didn't want to."

"I know."

"I didn't mean to do that."

"I know."

"It was messed up!"

"I know."

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