Wake up

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"How's he doing?"

Bakugo startles, hackles raising. But he composes himself as he looks back at Livi.

"Fine, I guess." He mutters and leans back in the comfy chair, eyes drooping again. He's so damn tired.

"The doctors said he should stabilize with this new drug they're giving him. His hormone levels will go back up by morning, they said." Livi sits down with a grunt on the metal chair next to the little lazy chair, and she looks at Bakugo with those soft red eyes. Bakugo stares back, seeing Kirishima in her chiseled face.

"You've been up since late last night. You should eat and take a nap." She says softly, her dark hair rolling over her shoulders as she leans down to the bag she'd brought with her,"Here... I have granola bars."

Bakugo scrunches his face up in disgust momentarily, but schools his expression as she hands it to him. He likes granola bars, he does, but right now he just isn't hungry.

His stomach has been a bitch since yesterday when the ambulance picked up Kirishima. He's not sure why, but he just can't eat. Its bothersome at this point.

He takes it, and opens the wrapper. The simple smell of the damn granola bar makes his gut lurch, and he settles it in his lap, staring at it quietly.

"Having a hard time eating?"

He looks over at Livi, and she just gives him a soft look, eyes fond, as if she's reminiscing on something,"Its normal sweetheart... Just start eating it and the nausea will go away."

He nods slowly, almost machanicly, and lifts it up, biting into it fiercely. He needs to eat, whether his stomach begins to lurch or not he tries to ignore, and chews quickly, trying to calm his chest that tightens.

But then his stomach settles, and he blinks as he swallows, immediately feeling better as he takes another bite. He's hungrier than he thought.

"See..." Livi brings in a deep breath, and he glances at her,"When an omegas mate is hurt or injured, the omega goes into a state of panic and they won't eat or move from the mates side until they know their mate is ok."

"He's not my mate." Bakugo grumbles, cheek full of granola as his face pinches some. Yeah, Kirishima isn't his mate. Kirishima will probably never be his mate at the rate they're going.

Its his fault the alpha is even here.

After their fight yesterday, the blond couldn't stand being in that kitchen with all of his dumbass friends staring at him like they'd seen a ghost. So what, Kirishima got angry. Everybody gets angry.

So he threw the apron on the table, left the pancake burning in the pan, and went outside for a run. He knew Kirishima was probably upstairs crying because he felt bad for yelling, or maybe he was crying because Kirishima just cries in general. Or maybe he still felt bad about forcing himself on the blond when he certainly didn't. But Bakugo was too mad to care or go upstairs and check on him. He just decided to run. Because he's selfish.

And the whole time that he was outside being a pissed little bitch, Kirishima had been upstairs, overdosing on his medicine.

Yeah... Bakugo shifts in his seat, glancing at the red head laying motionless in the hospital bed. He overdosed, and his hormone levels dropped dramaticly. So fast in fact, that his body reacted quickly, and kind of shut down into a state of unconsciousness. Sero went upstairs to check on him after about an hour, bringing along a plate of pancakes. When Kirishima didn't come to the door, the other boy opened it to take his plate inside and just sit it on the desk.

Thats when he found the alpha on the floor next to his bed and he ran down and got Aizawa. And thats when the squad was called.

Kirishima's organs almost failed too, but they saved him from that too. They also had to pump his stomach.

Bakugo stops chewing for a second, looking down at the half eaten granola bar. He's not hungry again.

"I um... Talked to the doctor. She said it was most and likely an accident..." She looks down at her own hands, lacing them together and squeezing, obviously trying to ground herself,"She said that he didn't take enough to kill himself. So they think he unknowingly took more, thinking it would calm him, but instead it dropped him."

Bakugo looks at her, watching as the female alpha visibly saddens. Her eyes grow solemn, and her lips lay in a soft frown. She's obviously upset. Who wouldn't be; with a pup in the hospital.

"I'm sorry." She whispers, and her lips wobble some before she brings in a stuttered breath. She glances at the blond, eyes watering harshly as she bites her lip,"We should've been better at this."

"Its not your fault he overdosed. He knew what he was doing." Bakugo mutters gruffly, watching as she grows closer to crying.

"I don't think he did though..." She sniffles, reaching a hand up to wipe at her face,"He was so out of it. Everytime we called him would sound so drained and tired..." She sniffles again,"And he asked us if there was different medicines they could place him on, or anything, and we asked the doctor but they said no and..." She wipes at her eyes, cheeks turning red,"This AHI is fucking him up." Livi brings in a deep breath,"I want my sunshine boy back..."

Bakugo swallows, and glances away, staring at his own socked feet that are buried into the cushion of the seat. His heart weighs heavy as he hears Livi sniffle and cry next to him, but its soft and obviously restrained, so he tries not to mention it. Livi is alot like Kirishima in that way.

Bakugo sits there, and he realizes that he's never seen Kirishima cry. Not out of sadness at least. He's seen the red head cry happy tears but not once has the omega ever seen him so upset that he cried.

He brings in a long deep breath; this sleep deprivation is getting to him. But somewhere deep inside, the crimson eyed boy just can't will himself to sleep. He wants to watch Kirishima. He wants to be here when his fated wakes up. He doesn't wanna pull a fast one and just leave him here to wake up alone.

He fell asleep.

Bakugo shifts in the chair, and immediately notices how stiff his neck feels. He huffs, and blinks his eyes open slowly, pupils adjusting to the low lighting in the room. The only light on is the lamp now. Livi is gone as he rolls over, and he glances towards the window to see the stars outside.

Shit. He sighs, and reaches up, rubbing at his tired eyes. He keeps them closed as he sits all the way up, shifting in the chair until his back hits the back of the chair. He huffs again, and listens contently to the monitor beeping, and he focuses on his own scent around himself, opening his eyes as he relaxes. Maybe he really did need some sleep.

He reaches up, scratching mildly as his forehead as he keeps his eyes closed. The nervous intent of his omega returns slowly, and his chest starts to squeeze again, but it's not as bad as it was when he fell asleep.

"I was gonna wake you up but I figured you just fell asleep cause you never fall asleep at like 3 pm..."

Bakugo lifts his head up, startled as he blinks in the lamp light that shines in his eyes.

Kirishima stares back kinda startled, obviously taken aback by Bakugo's shocked reaction. He holds a book in his hands, it looks like a manga.

The red head pulls a soft smile on his pale face, but it's definitely forced and it doesn't quite reach his eyes. Bakugo feels his stomach drop, and he clenches his jaw.

He doesn't like that smile.

"Hey..." The alpha says softly, and Bakugo just blinks at him, face neutral. Those red brows furrow in confusion, and he gives a nervous laugh,"Bakugo?"

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