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"Oh uh... Hey."

Kirishima stares at Bakugo wide eyed, the blond standing infront of his door, pillow in hand. He had come in the room without asking, as he usually does, but tonight, even in the darkness of the room, Kirishima can see how angry he looks.

Bakugo stays by the door, staring hard at the floor. The alpha can't get over how cute he looks standing there in his black boxers a baggy grey tank top, his blond hair shining with the moonlight from the balcony.

"C'mere man... Want the inside like usual?..." He scoots away from the wall, patting the bed next to him.

Bakugo frowns, glowering at the floor like it personally offened him. Kirishima perks his lips out, staring at his bestie as the blond doesn't make his way over.

Then he's moving, and Kirishima smiles brightly as his friend finally crawls into the bed next to him and covers up.

The red head stays propped up on his elbow as he looks down at him, staring at those crimson eyes. Bakugo looks angry, but his eyes look hurt, and upset. He almost looks like he could cry if he'd just let loose.

"Hey, what's up?" He whispers, his own eyes growing worried in the dark. He always worries for his friends...

Espcially this one.

"I got my test results back..." He grumbles after a long silence, and Kirishima doesn't know what to say or do. He isn't sure if he should ask if they were good, or if they were bad. He stays quiet, waiting for Bakugo to elaborate, but he doesn't, and he's ok with that.

He lays down next to him, face to face with him. They stare at eachother for a long time and the blond sighs, turning his head into the pillow and tucks himself further into the blanket.

"I'm dominant." He growls and Kirishima goes wide eyed, staring at him hard.

"But your-"

"My heats aren't every month, I know." He swallows,"Well not lately, at least, but the fucking doctor said that... That it's probably stress or somethin'."

Kirishima huffs, staring at his best friend for a long time. Bakugo had hoped that he wasn't dominant, that he wouldn't have to worry about falling into heat every month. That he wouldn't have to mate within the third year of being an official hero.

In the laws that the courts provide, it says that all dominant omegan heros must be mated within their thrid year of hero duty. This gives them time to find a proper mate, but also gives them a chance to get their dream without having to mate right out of highschool. Its done because of the risks a dominant omega can be taking each time they fight an alpha villian. All that those alphas have to say is one command, and if that omega isn't strong enough to fight it... They could easily be killed or forced to mate with that alpha.

But still... It's unfair that omegas are still labeled as things to be mated.

Bakugo growls, scoffing and clicking his tongue as he sits up abruptly,"Its fucking stupid...!"

"I know."

"I hate this!"

"I know."

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