He would

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His dreams are kinda weird.

It's black and dark, and he's all alone in the silent abyss that he finds himself in.

He stares at himself as if he's outside of his own body, watching as he struggles in his own skin.

Kirishima feels odd watching himself from this point of view. His face is sunken, eyes hallow and weak. His feet shuffle across the ground, and when he smiles it's forced and upset.

He can hear his friends voices bouncing around in his head. There's happy laughter, and giggles. He even hears Kaminari tell a joke or two.

He smiles as he hears them, and looks back down at himself from where he can see. He watches as the lifeless husk of his body sits down on something invisible, and he reaches forward, as if grabbing something off the table to start eating.

And his smile now... Its strained, and in pain. He stares at his own face, feeling his chest clench as he watches himself force himself to look happy.

Is that how he looks at his friends now? Is that what kind of face he makes when he's trying his best to hide how he feels?

No wonder they're always worried. No wonder they always check up on him.




He blinks, and looks around. Who's yelling for him? Why is the yelling so far away?

He stumbles around blindly, glancing over his shoulder at his own unhappy husk of a body, sitting there, frozen with a stiff smile on his face.

He shakes his head. Why can't he be better at hiding shit.


He looks forward again, the voice screaming for him seeming so loud now, but so far away. He holds his hands out, blinking blindly as he shuffles forward.

"Hello?" He whispers at first,"Hey!?" He yells, wondering who it is. They don't answer back though, and he begins to worry that maybe that person was hurt and now they can't yell for him.

Some kind of worry laces through him and he runs forward, hands held out in case he trips. His sweat pants seem heavy on his hips, and his oversized shirt feels so baggy.

"Hello!?" He yells.


"Hello!?" He runs faster, heart ramming against his chest,"Do you need help!?"

"Wake up!"

He stops running, and he drops his hands to his sides, brows tenting as he doesn't understand. Wake up? What the-

"Huh!?" He looks around,"What the- what do you mean wake up!?"


"What!?" He says in a panicked tone, chest clenched tight,"Hello!?"

"Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

"I-I-" He looks down at his body, and he looks around his surroundings.

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