Chapter 18- Tension

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Adre's POV

I'm not ready to talk about how I feel about this girl because we've already tried, then she cheated. It doesn't even matter anymore, I've got other things to do and the last thing I need is to talk to her about how I feel. But I can't help the way she makes me feel when she stares at me with those fucking gorgeous eyes. What an irritating feeling. The way her brows are slightly scrunched up, and her nose twitching a little. I cough trying to regain my composure.

"Sure. Let's talk. But not here. How about our spot?" Her facial expression changed and she wore a cute toothy grin.

"Yeah. We can talk after we are done here." She said, sticking her hand in her pockets.

"Okay. See you soon." She walked away, and I turned my attention to the menu, trying to hide my smile.

"Well I'll fucking be, Dillon is a fucking genius." Dillon giggled mischievously.

"If only you could apply that genius brain of yours to your own relationships." She gasped, and put a hand over her heart.

"You didn't have to come at my neck like that bitch." She said, feeling a little hurt. Always so sensitive.

"Quit it. You're one of the baddest bitches alive." I said, grabbing her hand and squeezing it. "Thank you." She smiled.

"You know I got you girl. Besides, I don't like that Eva girl. Something is off about her." I scoffed in amusement. Dillon and I reverted to a different topic, talking about my trip to Hawaii, music, fashion, and upcoming projects. We even took a few photos with some fans of ours. I saw that Billie was getting a bit of attention so she left a little earlier than expected. Some of my fans were curious about us, but I assured them that we were good friends and respected each other's work. Dillon and I said our goodbyes to our friends and the lovely staff.

I dropped Dillon off and then headed to the spot Billie and I first hung out. She calls it "ours" but It's technically hers. We've only been there once and that was my first night in LA. So much has happened, and it's been okay for the most part. But I have no idea what I'm going to say to Billie. As I'm pulling up into the alley, I notice her car is also parked here. I walk up to the door and start walking up the stairs preparing for the worst, but hoping for the best. When I get to the top, I take a deep breath before I open the door to the roof of the abandoned building. A light shines directly in my eyes so it takes me a second before I can clearly see Billie sitting on the ground, with a blanket, a speaker, some candles and snacks. I just froze at the sight, I was in awe. Why is she doing this?

Billies POV

"Adre, baby." I mentally cursed at myself because I just can't do it for the life of me. I'm terrible at speeches, I can never really find the words when it comes to her. I stood up quickly trying to gather myself, but failing in my attempt to swoon her.

"Ugh this is so sappy. Why am I a sappy soft ass, burrito?" I muttered. I kept trying to prepare a speech, good enough to at least explain everything, and my feelings. I felt myself getting anxious as the sun was setting, I could see her glowing skin radiating like gold. I was lost in her presence, I felt so guilty and regretful for the way I betrayed her trust. Seeing her made me smile but, I found myself not being able to walk or talk. I was speechless and every emotion came back in an instant, I hadn't even realized that she was walking towards me until I felt her hand on my cheek. I finally gained the strength to say something but she beat me to it.

"Over the past two weeks I've had a lot of time to think and recollect myself. I have had a lot going on in my head and in my life  that I haven't really expressed to you." She stopped and took a deep breath before looking me in the eyes. "When you told me you knew me even before the fame, I was mad. Maybe even furious. Then, you kept the fact you went to see Nora. Alone. I don't care what kind of trouble you're in or what kind of damage it may do to us. We will figure it out. Whatever happens in the future, we are doing that shit together. I don't give a fuck what it is Billie. If you keep something like that from me again, there won't be a second chance." She said sternly. I could see the pain in her eyes. The pain of losing me, losing us. I grabbed her hand and held it. "I know me leaving you was hard, that would be hard on anyone. However, I wish you didn't cheat, it has made me feel so closed off emotionally and I don't know what to do." I shake my head at her words. "I should've never cheated in the first place. You were right. I barely fought for us when you were gone. In a moment of weakness I let some other girl that I had no attachment to whatsoever, cloud my mind because I was in so much pain from you being gone. I lost a piece of myself when you left." I said, tears falling from my eyes. "You're my everything, how could I have done something so terrible? I'm so sorry Adre. I said, feeling my knees go weak and my heart pounding in my throat. I felt her embrace me and hold on to me tightly. "I don't want to go in too much depth of all of the negative shit, but we are definitely gonna talk about it another time just not now." She said, running her fingers through my hair. "There are more important things I want to do." She said, before pulling me closer. I almost lost my balance but she held my waist firmly, and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I melted at her touch immediately. "Fuck" I moaned quietly. I needed her. I missed her. Our lips moved in perfect sync. She gave me a signal to jump and I did, as she walked us over to the blanket. I smirked into the kiss and bit her lip before we pulled away. She chuckled at my actions and let me down. She looked at me with those big brown eyes that made me melt every time. Her eyes are enough to make me finish in seconds. She's like a siren drowning me in her ocean.

She placed her hands on my hips and I had my arms around her neck looking into her eyes deeply. She was looking into mine, but she looked like she was trying to confirm something.

"Baby?" I asked, grabbing her full attention.

"Yes love." She said,

"Nothing, just seeing if you're still there." I said blushing.

"I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. For a long time." She said, placing a kiss on my forehead.
I felt so warm when she said the last part. I looked into her eyes and kissed her slowly, but pulled away quickly.

"I love you." I said before kissing her again and again and again. Until I needed to breathe. She looked at me with this unreadable expression but it was a good look. She leaned in and placed our foreheads together.

"I love you too, Eilish." She said, running her fingers through my hair, and pulling me close to engulf me in a hug. She makes me soft. Softer than anything in this crazy fucked up world. We spent hours laughing, eating, listening to music and her singing some songs for me. She's so fucking talented it makes no sense. We packed up all the stuff and left our spot to go home. When we walked in the house, Dillon wasn't home. I knew she had something to do tonight, and I texted her to make sure she was safe.

I walked into Adre's room who was undressing in front of me. Bold of her. When she was completely naked in front of me, she just stood there looking at me. She had lust in her eyes and the energy was different. I could feel my legs get weak at the thought of what she could do to me. I nearly tripped over nothing. I was literally just standing. Hopelessly frozen by her beautiful aura. She walked over to me slowly and leaned down closely when her mouth gently grazed my ear lobe and I shivered under her touch.

"Speak up Eilish. What do you want?" She whispered. It sent shivers through my entire body. I could barely speak but I found the words before she had to ask again.

"You." I said, staring into her eyes. She nibbled on my neck making me let out a soft moan. She looked at me amused, and got closer to my ear.

"Well too bad." She started laughing and I stood there shook. If she thinks that we aren't fucking tonight, then she's got to be dumb. She was walking away but I grabbed her arm and spun her around to face me.

"I love games, but I didn't come to play tonight." I said sternly trying to dominate her but she laughed in my face and I scoffed in disbelief.

"Aye yo dis bitch tryna fuck!" Her own words made her fall into a pit of laughter. I couldn't even deny it. She's so goofy and it's one of the many things I love about her. I feel honored that I'm able to witness a side of her that not many get to. She was laughing pretty hard for a while before finally calming down. I decided to take a snap in her room mirror, knowing that the fans would go crazy. I need to give them some sort of content. My fans are so funny and they are constantly making me laugh, however, there's been a lot of hate and I know that cancelling the World Tour was insanely unexpected by many. What's done is done, and I had no control over the decision. I had the control to prevent it from happening but I never listen, I always want to deliver the best shows to my babies, because they make me so incredibly happy. But not a day goes by that I don't feel like complete shit for it. My mood shifted so quickly with that one thought that I forgot where I was for a second h til I heard my name.

"Billie?" Adre said. I looked up but didn't say anything. She had a worried look on her face, but she didn't push me.

"Come here." She said in a monotone voice.

Nut. I need to keep my freaky ass in check. Like not everything needs to be sexual, but she's bringing it out of me times 100. Fuck.

I sat on the floor with her. She took off my shoes, chains, rings and placed them in this little area just for me. She has a section in her closet for me and I think that's really sweet of her. She sent me to the bathroom to shower and clear my head. I don't know how she can just read me the way she does, everybody always presses me to speak up about my feelings, but I just need time to comprehend them. I appreciate her caring for me the way she does even when I've done her wrong. I am undeserving of her love and from this day forward, I won't take it for granted. I will protect our happiness before I let anyone, even myself ruin something as priceless as her.

— if you're still reading this, I'm so happy. Welcome back. I'm thinking of publishing 1-2 times a week. But I had to give y'all something tonight. -KJ

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2022 ⏰

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