Chapter 14- Blue

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A/N- Hey guys.... I'm sick and finals are just around the muthafucking corner. Also if you're still reading, you are real one, like I'm real sorry about these whack updates and my grammar. Enjoy this chapter and don't forget to vote❤️

Roni's POV

I'm a fucking mess, inside and out. What happened to Dillon last night really screwed with my head and now keeping her safe is the only thing I can think about. I'm glad Adre has Billie to keep her balanced, because Adre has a tendency to hold everything in and then blow up out of nowhere. I'm laying in bed with my laptop, answering a few emails. I notice my phone going off but ignored it. Then it rings again. I look to see who was calling me, and It was Lina, one of my good modeling friends.

"Hey girl" I said with a little pep in my voice.

"Where are you?" Lina asked frantically, making me a little uneasy and confused.

"At home, in my room. Why?" I asked, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Is anyone around? Dillon or Adre?" She asked. Okay now I'm scared, and I don't know where this is going. Is she in trouble?

"No. Why?" I asked, wanting to know why she's so panicked.

"Listen carefully, I know who drugged Dillon, but when I send you this, you have to promise me that you will take this to the authorities. Not handle it yourself. Are we clear?" My heart stops, but I hope she knows that I'm going to handle this myself and I will be telling Adre.

"Yes." I lied. She hung up and I received an attachment from her. It was a 30 second video. Lina was spinning on one of the chairs in the kitchen and I saw Dillon. Then I saw Nora walk up behind her. Dillon walked away and Nora put something in her drink. Lina was clearly not in the right state of mind and the video was somewhat just her face but, you can clearly tell Nora drugged Dillon. Not only am I feeling anger take over my body, but I'm also scared. I leave my room and head straight for Adre's bedroom, but then remember that Billie is here. So I quickly texted Adre.


Me- Hey, you home

Sis- No, I have an interview, and some business meetings today. They're in the calendar. What's up? are you good?

Me- Yeah, I forgot to check. Sorry, go chase a bag sis!

Sis- You already know. Dillon isn't home, she went to the spa. She will probably be out all day. Billie should be there though, she's free today.

Me- okay cool

Sis- you sure you're okay?

Me- No I'm not, but we can talk about that later.

Sis- Okay... call/text if you need me.

Me- I will. Love you.

Sis- Love you more.

I feel so uneasy and I can't keep this information to myself. I feel like I'm going to explode, so I walk into Adre's room to find Billie on her laptop. She looked up and walked towards me.

"Roni, are you good?" She asked placing her hands on my head. I just started to freak the fuck out.

"No everything is NOT okay! Nora is the one who drugged Dillon last night and I don't know what the fuck to do or how to tell Adre or Dillon. Dillon is actually going to murder Nora if she finds out she did it. And I can't- I can't- I don't know-" I started hyperventilating. My back hit the wall and my vision was blurry. I could feel Billie's arms holding me and rocking me side to side. I couldn't hear clearly, and I was trying to look everywhere to get my vision to focus but, nothing was working. My heart was racing faster and faster the more I thought about Nora hurting my sisters. Then, I saw Billie's silhouette in front of me, holding her fingers in front of me, and I counted each one.

BILLIE EILISH// NO ESCAPEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن