Chapter 1- This Is My Life

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The sun beamed through my curtains, causing me to stir until I opened my eyes. I stared at the ceiling feeling warm, which then turned to excitement. I was moving today with my best friends Roni and Dillon. We've all been pretty close since Sophomore year when I moved to Atlanta, it started off pretty rocky but we all grew closer when Junior year came around. Our senior year was unmatched to anyone else in our grade. I had a YouTube channel which blew up in a matter of 4 months and then I started getting noticed by so many influencers within the community. I have 6 million subscribers, and 3 million followers on Instagram and Twitter. I was also getting into modeling with my best friend Roni. Roni started modeling in her junior year of highschool and it made her more confident than ever, I've never been more proud. Dillon was noticed for her crazy, relatable, and honest videos on Instagram, then she turned her platform into pursuing fashion, before we knew it , she had blown up. Our parents want us to go to college so we are taking online classes and some classes on campus in LA. Yeah I know right Los Angeles, California! If you would've told 12 year old me that I would be doing what I'm doing now, I wouldn't believe you. We've all been contacted by agencies and huge brands through our managers. I don't think Dillon, Roni, or I have even processed this at all. Our senior year went by so fast and was so full of amazing experiences that it's hard to even comprehend. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone blowing up and then a Group FaceTime call popped up on my screen.

"Wake your ass up Adre!" Dillon screamed into the phone.

"I'm up bitch, shut the fuck up!" I said back at her.

"I don't know who you're talking to. Roni I think she's talking to you." She said, using her hands. I just laughed.

"Alright whores, it's moving day. Are y'all packed and ready to go?" Roni asked.

"Yeah the movers came last night to pack everything else." I said.

"Same." Dillon said.

"Alright, I'll see y'all at the airport. Be there at 12 or earlier. DON'T BE LATE." She said looking at the camera. That was for Dillon and she knew it.

"Y'all gonna stop acting like I won't beat y'all asses when I see you, cause I'll post up." She said using her hands to talk.

"The caucasity!" Roni screamed laughing.

"Uh uh I'm done with y'all. See y'all soon." Dillon said, before leaving the call.

Dillon is white on the outside and black on the inside. Roni and I like to joke about that but Dillon is the way she is because she grew up in the hood of Chicago. She doesn't act black, she's just ghetto as hell. We don't judge her and we love her very much. Roni and I are black, I'm lighter than her though. Roni and I got called "white" because we weren't like the rest of the black girls at our school. Growing up was pretty rough for the both of us, considering we were never really exposed to the hood until later in our lives. We were sheltered for a long time until we were shown what life was all about, I appreciate gaining all the wisdom I got from those experiences, because if not, I don't know who'd I be.  The three of us combined are all shades of beautiful. We get looks sometimes when all three of us hangout in public, but we don't really care, we just continue to have a good time.

I climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom to start getting ready. Hey Alexa, play "Chinese" New Year by Sales.

The song blasted while I brushed my teeth and danced in the mirror. I put my hair in a ponytail since my hair was straightened and I had extension in. I decided to wear my glasses today, because I had already packed my contacts in my suitcase. I put on a black hoodie, with black leggings, and black shoes.

BILLIE EILISH// NO ESCAPETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon