Chapter 15- Off Balance

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Roni's POV

It's 5:30 and Billie should be here soon. I'm in the kitchen making dinner for everyone. Adre is working in her room and Dillon is probably designing or filming. I hear a groan from afar and Dillon appears with an irritated expression plastered on her face.

"Roni can I use your phone to call mine? My dumbass lost it again." She huffed in frustration.

"Yeah go ahead." I said, whilst turning of the burner. It's taco night, and I'm pretty excited due to me, trying some new things, which is unheard of since I'm picky as hell. As I stepped away from the hot stove, I go to wash my hands, but I look up to see Dillon staring at my phone, then she looks up at me with rage in her eyes, and a familiar vein popping out of her forehead. Fuck my life, she found it.

"You... BITCH!" She screamed, literally jumping over the counter trying to attack me. I dashed upstairs to Adre's room for protection.

"Help!" I screamed. Adre looks at me confused until Dillon barges in. She immediately grabs Dillon and puts her in a headlock. Dillon is fucking strong, but I knew Adre could hold her. Dillon was doing her best to get out of her grasp.

"What the hell is going on Roni?! What the fuck did you do?!" Adre yelled at me. I could see Dillon fuming, and I can't blame her. Shit, where the hell is Billie? I slapped myself forgetting Adre can hear my thoughts and she gave me a questioning expression.

"I was going to tell you what happened today, I swear." I said, holding my hands up, yet also thinking of an escape plan to Mexico if I'm trying to make it out alive.

"Really? Cause it seems to me that you were planning to keep it a secret!" Dillon screamed, trying to squirm from Adre's grasp.

"Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on!" Adre yelled. My head started to throb, and I winced at the sudden pain.

"Yeah Roni, Explain why you would keep from telling us how you have the video of me being drugged and the person who drugged me was none other than fucking NORA!" Dillon said in a bitchy tone. I deserved this, I kept this from them way too long, but it wasn't my call.

"Actually I can help with telling you guys everything." I heard a very familiar voice say. I looked up to see Billie. She looked nervous as hell. She walked to my side and I gave her a small smile, then turned back to Adre and Dillon.

"You have something to do with this? You know what? Whatever the fuck it is I want to know now. Start. Talking. Now." Adre spoke harshly and I flinched at her words. She's pissed. I turned to Billie who look just as intimidated by her presence.

Billie's POV

"Start. Talking. Now." I'd never seen this side of Adre, she was harsh, almost motherly. I could see Roni flinch at her words. Adre looked so intimidating in this very moment, and I was a nervous wreck. Plus, I didn't get any sleep. I stopped myself from texting her everything more than I could count. Now it's the time to say something and I feel like I'm seconds from ruining everything.

"Yes, Dillon you were drugged by Nora. Roni didn't say anything because it was the best option. We only found out yesterday-" I was cut off by Adre.

"Roni knows better than to leave information from the two of us. Especially if it's regarding either of Dillon or myself." She gave Roni a look, causing Roni to dodge eye contact with her. Damn. "Let's not fucking forget that I'm the oldest here and I'm basically both of their legal guardian. Please enlighten me on how this was the best option?" She asked. Before I knew it I t started spewing whatever came to mind.

"Look. I went to go see Nora and talk some sense into her-" I was cut off again. By Dillon loosening out of Adre's grip. All three of us were arguing and screaming at each other, except for Adre. Dillon wasn't letting me explain anything. Until Adre, slammed a door making us all stop what arguing and turn our attention to her.

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