Chapter 4- Fun Times

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A/N- Hey guys! So this story is mainly in Adre's POV, just Incase y'all were confused. If a POV isn't specified, It's Adre's POV. Thank you!

I had woken up to the sound of my alarm ringing in my ear causing me to groan. I had turned it off with my eyes still closed. My face was submerged in my pillow when I took a deep breath. I had stretched my back and sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes before opening them. I picked up my phone to see it was 11. I had gotten up quickly realizing that the movers would be here at 12:30. I rushed to my bathroom, brushed my teeth, washed my face, and tied my hair into a ponytail. I threw on a sports bra, sweatpants, and slides. I looked at myself in the mirror noticing I had toothpaste on the side of my mouth and wiped it off. I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. We haven't gone grocery shopping or any type of shopping for the house. I decided to postmates the girls and I some breakfast.

The food had gotten here and I set it at the table. I went upstairs to get Roni, knowing that she would be easy to get out of bed. I entered Roni's bedroom to find her surprisingly awake. She was in her bathroom brushing her teeth. I walked in and she gave me a smile.

"Hey party girl, how are you feeling?" I asked, sitting on the toilet.

"I feel like shit, and I'm hungry. Also thanks for the water and aspirin." She said, spitting into the sink.

"Anything for you dumbass" I said, giving her a hug. I'm worried about her, because she isn't the type to do shit like that. She hates drinking. "Are you sure that you're okay? Are you ever going to tell me what's going on?" I asked still hugging her. She let me go and looked at me.

"Nothing I can't get through, but right now I feel it's best that I keep this to myself before I let you guys know." She said, giving me a weak smile.

"Of course girl, you know I'm riding for you, and so is Dillon. Speaking of Dillon-" I said, before she cut me off.

"You need help getting Dillon up?" She said, rolling her eyes.

"Yes, help me. Pretty please?" I said, fluttering my eyes.

"Yeah yeah, but you owe me food." She said, walking out the bathroom.

"Already done. I got the three of us pancakes and smoothies." I said smiling.

"Great! Let's wake this bitch up before my stomach explodes." She said, walking downstairs to Dillon's door.

Dillon was sleeping starfish in her bed. Her hair was in a bun, thanks to me. That bitch was too much last night.

"Hold still Dillon!" I said, trying to take all her makeup off.

"Noooo-" she fell to her side on the bed.

"Dillon, I need you to cooperate with me so you don't look like a damn train wreck." I said laughing.

"Bitch... I'm a baaaad bitch- you- you- can't kill meh." She slurred.

"Yes you are." I said.

I took her makeup off successfully and now it was time for her hair. I grabbed the brush and a ponytail holder.

"That hurts!" She yelped.

"Well suck it the fuck up." I said, and she crossed her arms like a damn child.

I put her hair in a bun, and then went to her closet to grab her some clothes. I grabbed her some shorts and a sports bra for her to wear to sleep. When I turned around she was stripped naked.

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