Chapter 11- Trust

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I took a sip of my tea before explaining to Roni what happened in my dream. Out of all the dreams I've had, she actually started to tear up.

"Then I woke up." I said, sipping my tea. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight.

"You know the thought of you ever leaving my side, would literally break me into a million pieces. I literally can't imagine life without you. There's just no one, absolutely no one who could ever make me as happy as you." She said, as tears rushed down her face. My throat started to get tight. Seeing Roni cry, always triggers me. "The fact that you had to experience losing Billie- I couldn't imagine." She said, looking up at the ceiling trying to stop the tears. I took my free hand and wiped her tears away.

"Yeah, that dream was just, all too real and I can't comprehend if it's one of the dreams that will come true Roni. I'm fucking scared, that it will come true. You know I have no control over them." I said, putting my head down. Roni and I, talked the next hour until I got tired, then I went upstairs and fell asleep.

I woke up feeling a lot better and pretty excited, because the gang was coming over, including Billie. I told my sisters and Klaus how close we got on the trip, but not the intimate part. There are things I would like to keep private between her and I, which is something I've talked to her about. I'm finishing up some work for my marketing class, which isn't due for another two weeks. Klaus and I are ahead, due to the fact that we split the work so we have time to live our lives.

"I need help finding what to wear!" Dillon whined, whilst barging into my room. I didn't turn around to look at her, because I would lose my train of thought.

"You know this is a sleepover right? With 2 guys and one of them is gay." I said, saving my work before I email it to my professor.

"Well I know that bitch!" She said, sarcastically. "But I'm talking about for our house party, I don't know if I want to be boujee, chill, or both." She said. I finally turned around in my chair to look at her. She had a bunch of clothes in her hands.

"Well first, lets take this to your room and get this figured out, because the last thing you're gonna do, is make my room look like a fucking tornado flew in this bitch." I said, walking past her.

"Well, you didn't have to be rude about it, but okay sis!" She said, with a fake attitude.

When we got to her room, she sprawled out all of the clothes onto her floor so we could see them clearly. By the looks of it, she has some pretty cute stuff. I mean it's Dillon, she always had cute shit in her closet. I've wanted to talk to Dillon recently about Nora, but I don't want to bring up those memories again. When all of it happened, I was affected but it was like I was outside of my body. Like I blacked out and went somewhere else. When I was back in my body, there was nothing for me to cope with because I was just over it. It sounds weird, and I wish I could explain it the way I want to. Imagine blacking out for a week, but you're not fully connected to your body. However, you're still in control of what you do, but you let your body do what it needs to do to feel better. You're physically present but mentally gone. I didn't talk at all when all of the Nora shit went down. I just left and went through the motions for maybe 2 weeks. Then one day I woke up, and felt different. A good kind of different, and that same day I talked to my friends. It wasn't the greatest experience but it truly inspiring me in some ways.

"Adre!" Dillon yelled.

"Hmm?" I said.

"I've been talking to you for like 5 minutes, and you haven't said a word, are you okay?" She asked.

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