Chapter 9- Perfect Timing

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How can someone be in your life for a short amount of time and like you just the way you are? Billie and I have known each other for a short amount of time, yet it feels like I've known her for months. I guess happiness doesn't have a time limit. Right now, Billie is sleeping peacefully and I'm up planning our day together. It's about 6 in the morning and we went to bed at like 12. I knew she would be out for a couple hours so this was my time. I put on my matching beige set I got the other day, with some white nike air forces. I grabbed my keys, phone, and headed downstairs. While Billie wasn't paying attention, I saw what her passcode was when she was unlocking her phone. It was 032918, the date of  her 2nd album, "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? "released. I called the driver that brought us here to pick me up and take me to a few stores. When I got in the car, I put my ear buds in and pressed shuffle. "All the Stars" by Kendrick Lamar & SZA, started playing. I went on my phone to make sure that my list was right.

1.Get vegan- gluten free breakfast food
2.Buy her a scrapbook to put all of our pictures in
3.Pick up silver pinky promise necklace
4.Take her out on a private boat ride
5.Schedule a vegan cook to make dinner for us both

I have a full day ahead of me, but I'm really excited.
We pulled into this little market with all of these vegan and gluten free products. I immediately grabbed some pancake mix, and syrup. I went to get us some fruits, which was a little overwhelming, because I've never seen so many fruits. I got a pineapple, green grapes, strawberries, and mangoes. I also got me some black cold brew coffee and vanilla almond milk to make some iced coffee. I paid for everything, then carried all of the bags to the car. I handed the driver my bags and walked up the street to a little market that had some really cute things. I hoped to find a medium sized scrapbook for us to store our memories in. After looking for about 5 minutes, I chose this pretty black leathered book with silver writing on the front. I left the little shop feeling content and walked back to the car. I checked my phone and realized it was about 7:30 which was good. It was going to take about 10 minutes to get to this jewelry store. I wanted something that would be sentimental to Billie and I. Roni and I have this pinky promise tattoo on our arm, and I wanted to get Billie something for her as a promise to her. The necklace is a promise to always be friends, because I'm not really thinking about marriage. It's a little too soon to be thinking about that, and I hope she isn't thinking about it. I wouldn't say no, but I wouldn't say yes either. Why am I thinking about this?

I walked into the jewelry store and gave my name. As I waited for the necklace, I walked around and looked at all the jewelry. I was mesmerized by all of the silver, gold, and platinum chains.

"See anything else you like?" The voice said, startling me.

"Oh, no. I'm just looking around." I said, laughing while holding my hand at my heart.

"Well, your necklace is just over here, and you paid already? Yes?" The jeweler said, walking over to the counter with the necklace placed in a velvet box. It was even more beautiful than what I saw online.

"Yes, I've already paid." I said, smiling.

"They must be special." The jeweler said.

"Yes. Yes they are." I said, grabbing the little bag with the necklace in it and walking out of the store. When I got back into the car, I made a few calls to have a private boat for a few hours. Then I called the lady who made us breakfast yesterday, to come back and make us dinner tonight.

BILLIE EILISH// NO ESCAPEWhere stories live. Discover now