Chapter 25: Blue With Envy

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Me, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks are all at Meh Burger.

"I don't care what anyone says. Meh burgers are the best burgers!" Sonic takes a bite out of his meh burger and swallows.

"Mmm! It's like Mardi Gras in my mouth! Only no one in my mouth is handing out beads."

Swifty runs past Sonic and Amy. Energetic rock music plays as he runs circles around Wild Cat and Mike the Ox, then stops. He lifts his sunglasses with his right hand and winks his left eye. Wild Cat, The Old Monkey, and The Monkey Child all gasp in amazement. Swifty then reaches behind his back with his right hand, pulls out a skateboard, and sets it down in front of him.

"What's he gonna do with that skateboard?" Old Monkey asks.

"I think he's gonna... ride it!"

Swifty smiles and points at Mike with his left index finger. The villagers all gasp in awe when they see Swifty.

"What? He's riding a skateboard. How is that impressive?" Sonic asks.

Swifty smiles, then lowers his sunglasses with his right hand. Energetic rock music plays as he rides his skateboard around the villagers and into Meh Burger. Villagers that resemble Wild Cat and Lady goat both gasp in awe, and Knuckles turns to face Swifty.

"He's got serious street-wise style!" Knuckles exclaims.

"He's jumping six inches off the ground." Sonic says, annoyed.

Swifty rides his skateboard on the table, knocking over Sonic's glass of juice and causing the juice from it to splash in Sonic's face. I take out my handkerchief. Swifty then stops, lifts his sunglasses with his right hand, and points at Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks with his left index finger.

"Radical speed!" Swifty blows on his left index finger. The villagers cheer.

"Oh, for the love of..." Sonic groans.

"Wow! Those were some sweet moves!" Tails smiles. Swifty rides his skateboard up to Tails.

"Thanks, bro!"

"You hear that? He called me "bro"!

"Yeah, I heard. He's quite a wordsmith." Sonic rolls his eyes.

"It's Swifty." Swifty holds up his left index finger as he pushes his skateboard up.

"Swifty the Shrew!"

"I don't see what the fuss is about; he's just a shrew in gaudy clothes!" I say, wiping the last of the juice off Sonic. When I put my elbow down. I accidentally knock my burger off the table.

"I got it!" Swifty runs up to the meh burger, which falls in slow motion. Mike, Lady Goat, and the Old Monkey all stare in awe, and Swifty catches the meh burger in his left hand. He holds it up to me.

"You...caught my burger!" I gasp.

"Radical... speed!" Swifty winks his right eye at me. He waves the fingers from his right hand over the meh burger and holds it up to me. I take a bite out of it, then take it from Swifty with both my hands.

"Radical speed!" I smile dreamily. Sonic growls.

"Give me a break! I can feed people sandwiches, watch!" Sonic picks up his meh burger with his right hand and shoves it in Knuckles' mouth. Knuckles spits it out and coughs.

"Hey, lay off, man!"

"Help! Help! My baby!" Lady walrus points to a house with her right hand. Atop the house, Chumley sucks on his pacifier as he walks on a precarious ledge.

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