Phoenix Pt. 2

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~With Kai~

Trevor ran down the entrance ramp, did his thing, and made his entrance, now it was time for mine.

I personally asked this artist to perform for me and it's about to happen, even if it isn't for the NXT Championship.

On the stage, when the lights went out, this artist was shown in the spotlight...


The crowd went nuts as they knew I won best entrance in NXT history just by this alone.

As Ayumi was on the stage, she shouted...

Ayumi: NXT! LET'S GO!

(A/N: Play at 0:03, just before it goes to 0:04.)

When that guitar strum hit, everyone got into it as Trevor lost it and he didn't know what to do! He didn't think I'd be this good at playing everyone's game!

Ayumi started singing and she looked like she was in her groove, and I wanted to go out there and dance, but the only time I'm dancing is when I'm inside the ring.

Ayumi: 銀色の街に 1万ドルの夢を見て
夜が明けるまで 踊りくるえば

Translation: Dreaming of a million dollars in a silver town
If you dance until the dawn breaks

When she got to the second half of the first verse, I went out there just head banging and we fist bumped and I went walked down the ramp just hyping them up and telling them to get up!

Ayumi: 孤独をかかえた スランプのジャングルの中
時をいやせる 歌を聞かせて

Translation: In the lonely slump jungle
Let me hear a song that heals the time


They cheered and they were still going along with the beat that when I got to the steel steps, I looked at Ayumi again, who was just smiling while she sung and smiled at me.

Ayumi: ドラマチックに描いてた 栄光の日も理想の生き方も
まるで脆いガラスのように いつか壊れてしまいそうだね

Translation: Dramatically painted glorious days and ideal ways of life
Like fragile glass, it seems like it will break someday

I went inside the ring and as I kept head banging to the song and went on the top rope to hype the fans up as Ayumi kept singing...

Ayumi: ミッドナイト・ハレルヤ 踊りつづけて
いつまでも シュールな夜を

Translation: Midnight hallelujah keep dancing
Have a surreal night forever

Ayumi: さらってゆけ 宇宙の果ての

Translation: Take me away from the end of the universe

I pointed at Ayumi who was going to end this song with her signature dancing and her very famous vocal chorus, which is found at the end of the song...

Ayumi: ムーンライト ムーンライト ムーンライト
ムーンライト ムーンライト ムーンライト
ムーンライト ムーンライト ムーンライト

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