Non-Newtonian - Part 4

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"I know a dungeon where we can find tons of corn starch. It is the blue orc depot west of the elf kingdom." Said Goblin Jimmy.

"It's the dungeon close to the cave. Honestly, we are afraid of those orcs." It happened that Kobold John and Pixie Dwight tried to get palladium crown, which belonged to the first queen of the southwestern dynasty, in the blue orc cave, unsuccessfully.

"If we go in the morning, the blue orcs will definitely be sleeping because they are hunting today. My friends told me so." Said the experienced Goblin Jimmy.

Kobold John and Pixie Dwight entered the dungeon with elven short swords; Goblin Jimmy had a dagger (perhaps a kitchen knife) and a slingshot with metal projectiles. Luckily for them, there were only some big mice and spiders in the dungeon. They got away easily and retrieved two bags of corn starch. Trouble came at the exit of the dungeon. Four orcs woke up early to get something to eat and found the three boys in front of them with the three bags of corn starch.

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