Contracts - Part 2

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"I could think of taking an example from the small republic north of Timerad, with a very lean parliament, judges all elected, and an executive government of ten members also elected. The citizens vote every three years, once the parliament, once the government, once the judges.

Government for nine years and then I retire? Do I give up my arms at the end of my term? I don't know if that is part of the deal with Wizard Stardestroyer. And maybe it wouldn't even make sense.

I must opt for an absolute monarchy: after all, it is a power cast from above. I am the sole possessor of unthinkable weapons for the entire planet and the Nepo system. It is up to me to protect everyone.

But can I do it on my own? Is it really so? Only me in power? Must everyone, a billion or so sentient beings on Orb and another half billion on Elbron, depend on my will? This is not possible. So, in truth, does the absolute monarch delegate pieces of power to consuls and vassals? Does the monarch create a network of judges in the territory? Is this not the same thing? The absolute monarch defends the state from these delegates: if they do not act in the good of the state, the monarch dismisses them and chooses better beings. Will the monarch, ever watchful and vigilant, do it? Will I do it? Will I know how to choose trusted helpers who will always remain trusted?

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