Contracts - Part 3

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I could create two governments and put them in competition without the members knowing. But then I would always have to trust their discretion. I should hope to find people who do not want to boast of their power. Or I would create one official government and the other secret, hoping that the members of the secret government would not become envious of the members of the official government.

And how effective and fast would I really be? I could in a few days write executive orders and say that these are the new constitution of the Nepo empire. Then local administrators and judges would say that this constitution is unworkable. Then I would need advisors who could suggest the most effective way to write this constitution taking into account all the different constitutions that already exist in the Nepo system. But do such advisors, with this valuable knowledge, exist? And, at that point, they would be the real legislators and no longer me!

Or I could simply enjoy the splendors of power, terrorize everyone with my weapons, choose an army of compliant people to take care of all administrative matters. These beings will also be able to enjoy power, and I would not worry. In case of blatant discontent on the majority of the people of Orb and Elbron, I could replace all administrators by declaring them inept. And I would live as a deified emperor until my death.

Kobold John & Pixie DwightUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum