Chap. 16 Mrs. Cuddles

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A/n because of the color scheme of this show I'm making you indigo. Just because like- it fits. It's a different color that is actually in the rainbow. Roygbiv so. Splinter will call you that and uhm yeah. Sorry if it isn't your favorite color (it's not mine) but it just fits the color scheme thing so uhm 👍 also obivouly you can imagine [name] however but [name] wear's a indigo bandana around his forehead/neck so uhm. I just thought I should add this to make you more Like your brothers! Not trying to take away any individuality of you.

Also this chapter is mainly raph and [name] being uhm the teddy bear duo. Because I needed more raph and [name] bonding for our raph lovers out there! <3


Raph:"Congratulations on the acting job, April!"

You all were watching ads.

Raph'"I'm so happy for you, I could punch a rainbow!"

April:"It's just a tiny basic cable show."

You made the 🤨 face.

Splinter:"Not so tiny. It knocked 'scorpion treadmill' out if it's time slot!"

[Name]:"I'm sorry, scorpion what now-"

Leo:"Say, how'd you like to sit in the front row, Raph"

Raph:"Okay!" (No stop. He's so innocent. I don't wanna do this to him😭😭)

You didn't know what April's show was so you went and sat next to raph. All your brothers surrounded behind him.


Raph's face was scared. You made a face of worry. Then a face like ,'omg no. I know how raph gets with this. I bet it's Leo fault. Yeah let's blame Leo.'

"Let's be friends forever."


He grabbed you into a hug. Since you were the closest and jumped over splinter in his chair.

Raph:"Not Mrs. Cuddles!"

Everyone expect you and April were laughing.

D:"It's just as good as I thought it would be."

You pat raphs arm which was kinda strangling you in a hug but it's ok.

Raph:"Hey you guys know I can't watch this."

April:"Is my acting that bad?"

Raph:"no, no, no! It ain't you its-"

"Let's be friends forever!"

Raph scream and you jump away from him. He runs into a wall. Poor guy.

Splinter:"Raph's fear-flops make me laugh evertime."

[Name]:"Useally I'm all for chaos but that wasn't that funny."

Splinter:"Oh red one!"

Raph:"what? You think I'm afraid of Mrs. Cuddles? Uh, I'm just upset about something else, which I'll think of what that is later. "

April:"Be nice, guys. You know, I bet a sandwich would make you feel better, raph."

Mrs cuddles popped up on screen and raph grabbed you and ran off again. ([Name]'s comfort teddy bear arc)


You were now standing behind raph.

Raph:"Wish I had sandwiches for brothers. Be better than those jerks." He was talking to himself.

~Asleep~ ROTTMNT x Younger human brother readerWhere stories live. Discover now