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Hurricane Blues

Ryan Richmond was a prepper when it came to Hurricanes.
Meaning he went into overdrive when the news called for such destructive weather. Not wanting anything out of place, or broken, and definitely doesn't want anything carried away.

So it was no surprise to Sae, when he began preparing for the hit, days beforehand.
Sae, of course, helping out any way she could. Seeing as she barely held a social life now, she had plenty of time on her hands.
Her father even took time off work, just to prepare for the storm. 

So that's how Sae spent her time leading up to Angry Agatha. Helping her dad prep his boat, and the house.

She hadn't really heard from any of her friends since the party. Aside from JJ, who'd called her sometime yesterday morning, before the weather really began to pick up.

He'd told Sae personal details about John b having trouble with cps... which Sae wasn't sure John b would want her to know, but JJ had rambled on like a adhd child hyped up on candy.
She had no idea The brunette boy had been struggling with stuff like that, and all on his own...

JJ had once again promised that he would find her after the storm
"Come hell or high water"
He had said. Although she could only laugh, seeing as he'd been talking a mile a minute, leaving Sae to wonder what had gotten him so worked up in the first place?

Agatha had started up about mid-day. Really making her landing by nightfall. Sae had decided to sleep downstairs, in the only guest bedroom, that was located right at the center of the home. She used to be terrified of hurricane season when she was a child, believing that the storms were powerful enough to carry her entire life away...
she was older now, and knew better. But she still preferred to feel secure during the proceedings.

When she'd awoken that morning, the power was out. Luckily she'd taken a shower last night, and didn't have to worry about the water being cut off either. It was about 11:30 when she'd gotten dressed and met her mother in the kitchen. Anna had pre-baked small breakfast snacks a few days prior just for the occasion.

"Good morning sweet pea!" Anna's tone was rather chipper, considering everything that wasn't working.

"Morning." Sae on the other hand, sounded less than enthused. As she grabbed one of the mini muffins that sat on a tray.

"Your father is out back, checking his boat." Anna explained, moving towards the patio herself, with a plate filled with baked goods.

Sae followed quietly behind her mother, breaking off from her once outside. Anna took a seat on one of the patio chairs that were now back outside. Sae moved to the grass, making her way towards the dock.

She'd thrown on one of her fathers old t-shirts, with a pair of elastic shorts, and had pulled her hair up into a bun.
Not really feeling the post hurricane blues...

"Need any help?" She'd stopped right on the edge of the dock. Spotting her father bent over, rummaging through a storage bin. The man shot up instantly at his daughters voice.

"No, I've got it, I think we did a pretty good job securing everything. I went over to Tanny Hill this morning to check on the Cameron crew, Ward wasn't so lucky." Ryan chuckled.

Sae knew her father always nagged Ward to do better when preparing for bad weather...
Maybe Ward might listen from now on?

"Well, if you're good here, I was thinking of going to find Sarah? If that's okay?" Sae questioned, watching as her father shut the bin, and began towards her. She extended her hand out to him, helping him back onto the dock.

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