-Thirty One-

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The Get Away

It wasn't until the early morning began to warm, that Sae stirred awake.
The sun well risen, but not quite peeking over the roof of the Wreck. Leaving the girl in a cooler shade.

Birds were chirping, and she could hear commotion from the docks just below. Causing her to shift in her spot. Eyes yearning for more rest.
And as she repositioned herself, she instantly recognized the familiar scent of hardwood, and skunk—smoke.

She didn't care in the least, as she shuffled closer to JJ. In any other instance, Sae might've flushed and tried to escape. But now... right now she just wanted to be still.
And with his own arm pulling her to him, she couldn't find it within herself to fight.

It seemed like they continued to find themselves in these familiar situations...

His chest rose, and fell steadily. Giving her a false sense of comfort. With her head tucked under his chin, she swore she could hear his heart beat. But then again, it was probably just the commotion below them.

Her eyes fell closed once more, but she wouldn't fall asleep. Instead, she enjoyed the calm while it lasted.
Reveling in the soft swish of the water from the docks. The quaint chattering of birds. And JJ's hand that'd begun running circles over her back...
How long had he been awake?

"Did you sleep okay?" His voice was corse. Indicating that he couldn't have been conscious long.

How he'd known she was awake, was beyond Sae. But she kept her eyes rested shut, and replied anyway.
"Did you sleep at all?" Was her rebuttal. A scratch itching in her throat, soreness beginning to form.

"Enough." He uttered, sounding doubtful himself. But he had fallen asleep. Sometime after Sae initially scuffled to him in the night.

Sae inhaled deeply, opening her eyes once more. The blue sky clear of any clouds. She admired two River crains that flew over in unison.

She forcefully propped herself onto her elbow. Unintentionally hovering over JJ in the process. His blue eyes tracking her every move. But Sae didn't noticed, as she glanced back towards The Wreck. No sign of movement from inside.
"We should wake them up..." she said.

JJ gave a hum in reply. Gaze traveling over her tanned features. Admiring The subtle flecks of brown that drowned in her green eyes. The faint freckles that danced over the bridge of her nose. Only ever visible from such a close proximity. Her full lips, that pursed after her statement.
Lastly, the shark tooth that hung from her neck, just over the collar of his own auburn shirt...

Sae glanced to him after not receiving a definite answer. Watching as his ocean eyes trailed upwards, until clashing against her once more.
One arm still propped behind his head. The other, remained absentmindedly running circles over her back.

The two teenagers were struck silent. Caught in their staring match.
Sae admiring the pure, clear blue. Nearly flawless...

Her hand that'd been rested on his chest, lifted. JJ's breath hitching, as her pointer finger gently brushed against his bottom lip. Where the bust from midsummers had finally began to heal properly. His eyes didn't pull from hers, even once she'd began analyzing the wound.

"I'm sorry that happened to you." She was having trouble speaking clearly. The raw soreness from her throat becoming evident. Every swallow was followed by a sting.

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