Chapter 19- Flirting With Death

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     "That looks fucking revolting, Aether."

     "I know, but it's just buttered noodles and Italian dressing."

     "Why are they red and green?!"

     "Because it's Chrissmus and the cafeteria staff likes to get creative."

     On your way to pick up the bun that Rain had so graciously reserved for you, you had spotted your friends past the doorway of another common room from the hallway and half-mindedly dragged Rain along with you to talk to them. They had been chatting in front of the multiple fold-out tables lined with the festive plastic covers that you could punch your fingers through. Dozens of bowls and platters were all crammed as close as they could be to each other, a colorful conglomerate of different foods and drinks, some more appetizing than others.

     The current topic of discussion; The horrific amalgamation that they dared called 'pasta salad'. You used the plastic serving spoon to push it around, observing the ingredients under the dim fairy lights.

     "Salami, provolone, cucumbers, peppers, cherry tomatoes, I'm guessing that's a carrot, olives, chives, and one singular ball of mozzarella all in a bowl of dyed spaghetti noodles. Aren't you supposed to use black olives instead of martini olives?" You swiped your finger on the inside surface of the bowl, collecting a thin layer of the dressing and licked it off. You furrowed your eyebrows. "This isn't even Italian dressing."

     Aether rolled up the sleeves of his plain grey reindeer sweater to his forearms and plucked the lone piece of mozzarella, popping it into his mouth. You could see his own confusion.

     "No it is not."

     "It might just be olive oil. That's what they did last year." Mountain said from beside him.

     "It's definitely not that." Aether shook his head. The tall ghoul grabbed a fork from the tangled pile of clear utensils and napkins on a deep platter and stabbed it into a cucumber. He placed it onto his tongue and crunched down, stopping only a second later. He looked to his fork and back to the bowl but slowly resumed his chewing.

     "What the hell is that?" It was said as more of a statement than a question. You couldn't help but taste the pasta salad again just to try to figure out what kind of dressing it had. It was like nothing you've ever eaten before.

     "Rain, you try." You motioned to the bowl. Rain eyed it skeptically.

     "I don't know if I want to. I don't like the looks on your faces."

     "It's... well, it's not good, but it's just..." Aether tried to come up with a description.

     "Interesting." Mountain said.

     "Interesting is a word for it."

     Rain looked to you with great concern, but stepped forward to try it anyway. He took a de-pitted olive from the bowl and put it in his mouth. You could see his nose crinkle with disgust through the eye holes of his mask. Mountain handed him a napkin from the table. Rain spat out the olive and tossed it into the large overflowing trash bin a couple feet away.

     "I don't know what that is, and I really didn't like it." He grimaced, the taste still strong on his tongue. He searched the table for something to wash it down with.

     "Why would you try the olives out of everything else?" You snorted, watching him grow more frantic the longer the flavor stayed on his taste buds.

     "I like olives and I thought it was a safe option, but obviously not." His voice warbled with how his tongue was positioned, trying not to touch it to any other surface in his mouth.

Nocturnal Me (Nameless Ghoul Rain/Water x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now