Rachel & Miktar

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Miktar paced the floor outside Captain Ream's office, raking his fingers through his hair over and over again until it flowed down his shoulders in smooth waves. It was an anxious wait. He knew the captain was busy but this was urgent.

Now that most of his patients had gone and he had more time to himself, thoughts of all that was going on with the ship assailed his waking hours as well as his dreams. Particularly with what was going on with that pregnant Rictorian, how could he not? He felt itchy all the time. His heart was racing. He couldn't rest.

After what felt like hours, the door finally opened and Miktar stepped inside. Captain Ream looked up from his desk, disgruntled. His hair was a mess. There were shadows under his eyes.

'I don't understand why you couldn't tell me what was so urgent over the phone,' the captain said, folding his hands upon his desk.

Miktar looked through the window towards Rictor 5 gleaming like a blue ball in the distance. He licked his dry lips. 'I want a companion.'

'You will likely get a companion. You/we/us all.' He twisted his mouth. 'Whether we have a choice in the matter or not.'

'I don't want it to be "likely", Captain. I want it to be certain. And I want it now. I want her now.'

Captain Ream cocked an eyebrow. 'Are you giving me an order, Miktar?'

'It's never been fair,' Miktar said, ignoring him. 'Why should I miss out?'

'Because Drake is our senior medical officer, not you.'

'But I am now, aren't I? With Drake now a father ...'

'The baby isn't born yet. It may never be born.'

'He's a father. His duties are over. He needs to be there to support his mate.'

'Miktar ...'

'I want my female!'

Captain Ream's eyebrows shot up. He reeled back into his chair.

'I'm sorry, Captain.' Miktar grabbed at the collar of his shirt as his eyes darted back to Rictor 5. 'I cannot be alone anymore. If you will not give me ...' He shook his head. 'I cannot wait. I cannot work. It's all I think about.'

He fell silent.

'Perhaps you should go back to Zibon 8 if this is too much for you,' Captain Ream said quietly.

'Captain ... I've done so much for this ship. Above and beyond. It's only fair I'm ... compensated like the others.'

'What is the point of this ship if all of you are decommissioned?'

'There are more senior operatives arriving.'

Captain Ream waved his hand in annoyance.

'Is this not our new mission, Captain?' He gestured at Rictor 5. 'Why else are we here?'

'I need you as our senior medical officer, Miktar.'

'My men are perfectly capable. Reece is able to take my position.'

'And then what?' Captain Ream said. 'Then will he be standing in my office demanding the same?'

'Of course.'

Captain Ream shook his head.

'How can you not want one?' Miktar said. 'How can you not understand? Don't you want someone to love?'

'Being captain is what I love. I care about my men, that is all.'

'If you care about us, give us what we want. Captain ... I-I can't do this anymore. And I won't go back to Zibon 8. Not with what I know now.'

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