Kylie & Lew

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'I can't believe I'm going to be a grandmother.'

'I can't believe I'm going to be a mother.'

They were sitting in the little living area of Kylie's room. It was quiet and peaceful and spacious. Certainly an improvement upon her last quarters. The corridors weren't constantly trekked by huge men all the time. Now it was mostly Earth women—something she was quickly getting used to. She was even starting to make friends, something that had never been easy for her.

'Are you happy?' There was a crease between her mother's eyes.

Kylie considered a moment. 'Sometimes it's hard to tell. So much of what Lew feels is wrapped up in my emotions that I really don't know what I feel anymore.'

'I know what you mean.'

'It's not a bad thing, I think.' She chewed her lip. 'I am happy. It's hard to explain, but I love Lew like he's a part of my soul. It's intense.'

Her mother nodded.

'What will it be like when I have the baby, I wonder. They've never really spoken to us about that. What if the bond between it and me is even stronger? How could I bear it?'

Her mother squeezed her hand. 'It will be stronger. I should know.'

They smiled at each other.

'I'm so happy you're with me. I don't know how I'd be if we'd been parted.'

Her mother's grey eyes turned a shade darker. 'It would have been hard to live.' She stared across the room, thinking. Then she shook her head and smiled. 'Do you know the sex yet? I hear they can determine it from day one.'

'I asked that they not tell me but I have a sneaking suspicion it's a girl.'


'They seemed a little more excited than they should have been.' That was an understatement. One of the women had literally been bouncing on the balls of her feet. Kylie laid a hand upon her abdomen. 'I'm scared though, Mama. Zibons are huge. How big are their babies? I haven't even asked. What if it ... what if it rips me apart?'

'They wouldn't let that happen.'

'But they don't know us. They don't really know our bodies, do they?'

'They're learning. And they're smart. They have too much riding on you to let something like that happen. Besides, it's probably worse back on Earth. Women—women died in childbirth there too, Kylie.'

'Like you almost did.'

Her mother gave a screwed up smile. 'I'll be with you.'

'It's strange to think that if I were to die in childbirth, Lew would die too. And what about the pregnancy itself? Will he feel it? Talk about pregnancy sympathy.' Her laugh was a little dark.

'Stop thinking like that,' her mother said. 'You're going to be fine.'

'Yes, most likely. I know. Let's go on to another topic—Halo! How is he? How are you together?' Kylie laughed as her mother's cheeks flushed. 'Mama!'

'Well, what about you? You ended up in hospital!'

Kylie snorted and dropped her head into her hands. 'Oh, God. I'm so embarrassed. I can't imagine what the medics were thinking. Does everyone know about it?'

'I think so. Don't be embarrassed, though. You'll find that most envy you.'

'Trust me, there's nothing to be envious about.' She clutched at her tummy. 'As much as ... as much as things could be worse, I hope it doesn't happen again.'

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