"A monster..."

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Plot: Xylo and Atlas are stuck in a place lower than the fiery House of Hades and when Xylo gets injured, it's all up to Atlas...

Warning: poorly written Battle Sequence, badly written Gore and Angst turned Fluff.

Note: Xylo has a black, Greek Xiphos sword.


Xylo's no stranger to perilous adventures, he's been to Tartarus, Helheim, and he lived a year in the House of Hades and served as a gladiator there, even earning the title 'Champion of Death'.

But this adventure. Definitely was the hardest and not in the way you'd expect...

He was having a pleasant chat with his grandson Atlas about weaponry when the ground quaked and opened beneath his feet.

Xylo fell through the earth and somehow past Hades and now here he was, an unwanted guest in a land of darkness. And when you wonder how his situation can get any worse? well...

Atlas fell with him

Thankfully Atlas was fine, he caught himself with his wings. Atlas grabbed the falling Xylo's hands but due to the heavy weight of Xylo's armour, the two landed not-so-gracefully...

"Are you okay grandpa?" The boy asked, Xylo hit the ground with a heavy thud. "Yeah, cough nothing I've never come back from."

Atlas helped his grandpa up and the two set off and wondered about the eerie land.

The land was gloomy, shrouded in a thick mist, and the sounds of a river could be heard in the distance.

It was cold too.

"Grandpa where are we?" Atlas shivered, his wings drawing closer to him like a shield. He was from the Egyptian Underworld after all, it isn't usually cold there, more a room temperature or a lukewarm.

"I don't know, but let me tell you, this isn't Tartarus or the House of Hades... somewhere close to it I bet though. Trust me when I say the Underworld I know is more... uhh... stereotypical." The older man chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

Xylo though had a tight grip of his sword as he listened to his surroundings, he couldn't see much because of the mist which put him on edge but he must remain calm. For Atlas's sake.

Atlas needed him to be calm, to protect him in case something bad happens and he would make sure Atlas returned home safe and sound.

Atlas is his grandson and he'd rather spend a lifetime in Tartarus than have to face the unforgiving wrath of both Inpu and Bryan for bringing their son home with scars.

Also it would be punishment for failing to protect his family.

Soon enough Xylo's paranoia was justified as there were sounds of groaning within the heavy mist. Xylo unveiled his sword from it's sheath and readied himself for a battle.

"Atlas stay behind me." The former gladiator ordered, his voice was serious, a rare occurrence - he meant it. "O-okay." Atlas quivered.

This strange place was entirely new terrain. Xylo was used to a hotter environment and this cold made his legs shiver, and not knowing his opponent at all was a change but he's battled worse.

𝒪𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝒪𝓁𝓎𝓂𝓅𝓊𝓈 𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant