Did I Even Want To Spend Time With Him...?

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Before Bryan died, he was sickly pale and had horrible, dark circles under his dulling, tired eyes. Inpu remembers how wobbly he was that fateful day before the Seductive Rose showed up and just how exhausted Bryan was all those years ago...

Bryan was and is still so beautiful but remembering how sick he was plagued the Pharaoh's mind. The pain his dearest husband was in, because of that damned Soul Crystal!

Inpu wished he had seen it before, but he was so occupied with other things that all he saw in Bryan was how beautiful he was when the sun and moon light kissed his ivory, petal soft skin.

The longer he lingers on those memories, the more he sees just how worn down he really was. The training, the Soul Crystal, the suffering he forced himself through... all just to ensure that the Seductive Rose would never return and ruin the lives of anyone ever again.

Inpu was in bed with Bryan who had fallen asleep hours ago, just thinking about all this. He couldn't sleep while his thoughts were running amok in his mind.

'Bryan needed me.' He thought. 'He needed me, and I was hardly ever there...'

'After getting married, I just leave for a few days and then I show back up after everything with Momiji and Set and I just train him... I have him fight 1v3 because that's totally fair on the man who isn't nearly as powerful as you know... the Pharaohs of the Egyptian Underworld and the Son of Ra! and don't let me forget our little Honeymoon where Bryan paid for everything. Then after that day, I leave him to go to my sibling and tell them about my senses going off. Ditching Bryan once more...

Did I even want to spend time with him?'

Bryan provided a place of peace and love and Inpu knew Magnus and he would've loved living in the mansion with the high-quality food, soft as cotton beds, an herbal-scented bathroom, pure, drinking water you can tune the temperature of, and don't forget about the beautiful garden filled with the lushest nature and serene beauty.

'Bryan even went as far as to grow jasmine and had papyrus reeds around his thriving ponds as well blue and white lotuses. All to make his home feel like our home. But I would've rather lived in an Egyptian-styled pyramid than a Greek-styled palatial temple.

If it wasn't for him, Magnus and I would've been eating ice cream in a closet-sized room, bumping into each other every single day if he had not invited us over all the time.

Sure, our new home was nice. It's spacious, it has beautiful views of the Sakura and desert landscape, and that Egyptian humidity and warm, cuddly air, I knew all too well. But... Bryan is worth so much more than that sense of home, he is my sense of home. The love of my life who I ignored for too long. The man who shared his home and offered only a best hospitality for two misfit jackals. I love him so much and yet I never realised anything wrong until I lost him.'

Inpu's eyes were even blurrier as tears fell down his face. He was unknowingly holding onto Bryan, pulling him closer to him, an act that woke Bryan up.

"I-Inpu?" Inpu snapped out of his thoughts, and saw that Bryan laid in his arms. His eyes were droopy.

"B-Bryan? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that." The jackal apologised softly. Bryan's hand extended towards his his love's face, and he cupped his cheek.

"What's wrong love? you're crying." The dove asked worried.

"Don't worry about it, I'm alright." Inpu claimed so as to not worry his tired husband,



Inpu gazed at Bryan thoughtfully, taking in all the little details such as the dark circles under his eyes but also the soft, subtle smile. Giving his husband the attention, he should've five years ago.

"I... I love you... so, so much." He told him, "I love you too." Bryan requited.

"I'm sorry." Inpu apologised. "I'm sorry I never noticed how tired you were. How exhausted you were. How drained you were all those years ago... I was so busy with other things that you, my own husband was secondary. You should've been my top priorty. I mean- We had just gotten married for Ra's sake!" The jackal ranted. "You deserved my attention, you were obliged to it. You're too good for me...".

Bryan. His dearest husband cupped his face, Inpu's dark purple eyes ensnared by Bryan's golden ones. His eyes were like sweet honey, warm candles, and gentle suns. They radiated with esoteric, nonsensical love...

"Inpu." Bryan began. "I love you. And it's like you said, 'We had just gotten married.' we weren't going to get it right; our marriage was new, and we are not perfect. What is it you always said? 'Don't think about the past'?" Bryan claimed and half-joked, a soft giggle emitted from his throat.

"O améthystós mou."

Inpu simply gazed at him, completely lost in a swelling love. He remembers saying that to Bryan whenever he would judge himself for his past, back when he was corrupted by the Seductive Rose.

The Pharaoh felt relaxed in the hands of his beloved. A wave of tiredness soon embrace him and his eyes began to droop. He blamed Bryan's smile, eyes, hair, the cool of his hands, and paradisal presence.

Inpu rested his head and felt himself fall into what would be the best sleep of his life for a while... And all he mused was 'I didn't know the sky was worth looking at until I met you, Majarati'.


Oof- this was trash. I need a different plot but this one is just so wholesome and angsty. 😅

But I hope you enjoyed anyway despite it being basically a repeat of my other stories. ✨️

Hopefully the translations are okay... 🙂


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