"What did I do to deserve you?"

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T/W : Inferiority Complex.


Bryan was busy as a honey bee in the kitchen preparing Inpu his signature salad, it's his favourite after all... what kind of husband would Bryan be if he didn't pamper him?

He loved pampering his husband because he knows Inpu didn't come from luxury, he came from a barren, dry desert, having to learn to survive as well as how to care for his little sibling Magnus.

And that look on Inpus' face when he had offered for Inpu (and Magnus) to move into the mansion was a look that Bryan would cherish forever.

He also loved pampering his husband because he loved how flustered he'd get, I mean, they've been married for technically five years and Inpu still turns into a tomato when Bryan winks at him or when they share a longer kiss.

It makes Bryan love him more, he's so shy and cute and unlike so many other men Bryan had dated in the past. The brunt of his exes viewed him as a mere pretty face, a prize or trophy to keep on ones shelf...

But not Inpu. Inpu was among the rare percent who viewed him as an actual person capable of being more than just a trophy husband.

But as Bryan begins cutting up carrots for the salad, his thoughts start to spiral... the mind does that sometimes.

'Why does Inpu love me as much as he does...? Why... why didn't he move on and find someone more deserved of him...?

I mean...'

Inpu is a Pharaoh of the Egyptian Underworld, and is essentially a god, being the son of both Anubis and Izanami-no-Mikoto. He and Magnus literally own a pyramid for them to live in, and now since he has nine tails, isn't he a Tenko? The highest rank of Kitsune.

He's seen the way Inpu looks at him and every time he does, he's astounded that someone as high-ranking as Inpu would ever look at him with so much love and awe; despite the fact Bryan would be regarded as just Inpus' husband - Consort of the Underworld.

No matter his mothers status. Though, he wasn't even sure if he still had any of those privileges...

And Bryan knows about the hardships he put Inpu through those five years he was... gone.

He's heard from Magnus that Inpu hardly ate or slept, he just studied and worked to bring him back to life despite having so many people telling him it was impossible.

Even the Personification of Hope told him to stop trying...

But his husband was as stubborn as his father, and as ambitious as Set. And he did the impossible. After dedicating his every waking hour into figuring out how to revive his beloved husband, he finally succeeded.

Bryan remembered all the kisses Inpu gave him when he came back. Lots of innocent kisses all over his face: his forehead, nose, cheeks, eyelids, everywhere except his lips.

Inpu didn't know if Bryan was lucid enough for that so he opted to patiently wait for the right moment to give his husband the kiss he's been longing for since he lost him, so when they finally did kiss on the lips - Inpu cried.

"Best kiss ever." Inpu declared.

Bryan didn't know how he got so lucky to get someone as perfect as Inpu. Someone so dutiful, patient, respectful, intelligent, adorable, and so many other things that made Bryan so happy to have him in his life.

'He's too good for me...'

'What have I done for him other than die on him!?

I'm a horrible husband...'

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