"You don't need it."

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I saw this idea on Tik Tok, the person who did this, that I saw is Macvanliepertja


The Brypu couple, finally after five whole years... were going a date! A date to the human realm.

The children are staying at their Aunt and Uncle, Momiji and Ricarro's place so Inpu and Bryan can have a day of peace and alone time.

The couple were busily getting ready for their date. They want it to be perfect.

Inpu is mulling through his clothes searching for something... memorable.

While Bryan was already changed, he had styled his hair and was now prepping his face for makeup, he wanted to look extra good for Inpu today.

Bryan gazed at himself in the mirror of his and Inpu's room, messaging various ointments into his face.

He grabbed his primer, then his foundation, then concealer, blush, bronzer, and highlighter. Bryan shined and glittered like he was wearing real, powdered gold.

He grabbed his eyeshadow, he used the nude tones and the sparkling golds. He grabbed his eyeliner and gave himself an alluring siren-eyes effect with gentle wings. Then his mascara, which made his already rather full eyelashes look even more impressive.

He filled in his eyebrows and finally was up to the lips, he chose a glossy nude for his lips, but before he could apply it-

"Honey... you know your beautiful with or without makeup." It was Inpu, he stood by the pillars.

"... what?" Bryan asked.

"Dear, your stunning with or without makeup, to be completely honest with you, I love looking at your natural face."

Bryan looked at Inpu as though he'd grown a second head.

'but mother said...'


A young Bryan, stood before a tall mirror admiring himself.

A party was raving downstairs, he could hear how loud it was. He was getting himself ready for the event. He put on a simple assemble, traditional and classy: a white toga with beautiful, heeled sandals.

"Bryan-." The formal voice of his mother called behind him, he saw her through the mirror, she was dauntingly beautiful... as always.

"Mother..?" Bryan looked nervously towards his her, she can be quite judgmental and opinionated.

Aphrodite gazed at his choice of clothing and with a sigh said, "Dove? Is that what your gonna wear? My my, Bryan- have I not taught you better...?" She wondered.

"Do you need new clothes already? why don't you fit any of the clothes I buy you...?"

"Perhaps you need a stricter diet...?"

Bryan eyes widened, 'but I already gave up sugar..' he hasn't touched any food aside from the dainty vegetables and fruits served during meals.

"Bryan-? Don't you want a partner, a lover..? Someone whom you will love for the rest of your life?"

Bryan perked up, "Yes! Of course!" He gleamed.

"Well, then you'll need this."

His mother then handed him a bag, a bag filled with makeup supplies.

Bryan took the bag graciously.

Aphrodite reached into the bag and pulled out a couple bottles, and began applying them to Bryan's face.

"Dove, never forget..."


Bryan snapped back into reality and gazed at Inpu curiously, 'did he mean that...?'

"Honey, your beautiful with or without makeup, I mean wear it if makes you happier, wear it I guess but you don't need it." Inpu told him.

To Inpu, Bryan was the epitome of beauty.

Bryan smiled, he smiled tenderly at his husband. Inpu doesn't know just how much that meant...

Bryan closed the lipstick and set it down on the vanity.


Bryan grabbed a cloth and began scrubbing off the makeup, all of it washed away flawlessly.

Bryan stared into the mirror, and Inpu stared at him.

"There he is." Inpu chuckled.

'Yeah, there I am...'


Oop- is that some Bryan backstory? Well, in my headcannons... Aphrodite wasn't a great mother.

Sorry this is bad but what do you think?...

𝒪𝓇𝒾𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝒪𝓁𝓎𝓂𝓅𝓊𝓈 𝒪𝓃𝑒 𝒮𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈Where stories live. Discover now