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Season 1 Episode 12
[Code Breaker]

"I hold onto the night, you looked me in the eye and told me you loved me

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"I hold onto the night, you looked me in the eye and told me you loved me."



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After Izzy left the dance she ran home as fast as she could and snuck in to changed out of her dress. She slid a knife into her boot and grabbed a gun. And climbed out her window and left to get Derek.

She was upset she had to leave Isaac at the dance but people could die and she would never forgive herself if people were dying and she was having fun at a school dance. When she got to the woods she saw Scott had changed clothes to.

"Come on." Izzy said and walked to get Derek "where are we going?" Scott asked "to get Derek." Izzy said as her phone went off for the millionth time. It was from Kate asking where She was. She turned her phone off and slid it in her pocket and walked to the cellar and walked down the steps.

Izzy opened the door and turned the light on. Derek looked up surprised "I told I would come back and get you." Izzy said trying to figure out how to unlock the chains. She finally got one off and heard someone coming.

Izzy turned and saw one of Kate's hunters. "What are you doing?" He asked, Izzy tilted her head at him confused, "oh your Kate's daughter. She told me about you. She said you love helping these guys out. I see what she means." He said laughing but it stopped when he pulled a gun out and pointed it at me. Izzy heard Scott's heartbeat rise.

Izzy rolled her eyes "really a gun?" Izzy asked him "your mother thought you might do something like this so she gave me one." The hunter said Izzy scoffed and kicked the gun out of his hands. She saw Scott's eyes widen out of the corner of her eye. The hunter threw a punch at her but she caught it. She kicked him in the gut making him fall in to the wall.

He tried to get up but she kneed him in the face knocking him out. She turned back to Derek who looked impressed and Scott who's eye were wide. "What?" Izzy asked "I didn't know you could do that." Scott said "I'm trained hunter who's kind of emotionally unstable at the moment. Those two things put together is not a good combination." Izzy said they nodded

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