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Season 2 Episode 2
[Shape Shifted]

"But I promise you this I'll always look out for you"

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"But I promise you this I'll always look out for you"



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The next morning Isaac and Izzy drove to school, even though its a really bad idea for them to be together they are.

When they got to school Isaac went to get ready for Lacrosse and Izzy met up with Lydia and Allison. When Gerard made Izzy kill the omega in the woods, stiles and his dad found her. Well, more like she found them.

"You really don't remember anything?" Allison asked Lydia trying to get as much information out of her as possible.

"They called it a "fugue state," which is basically a way of saying, We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days. But, personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds." Lydia said stopping at the front doors and shrugging.

"Are you ready for this?" Izzy asked her concerned. She hasn't known her long but she knew the attention lydia was about to get is not the attention she was going to want.

"Please. It's not like my mom is a serial killer." Lydia said shocking Izzy and walked into the school. She shook her head and walked in with Allison to see everyone looking at a frozen Lydia. 

"Maybe it's the nine pounds?" Allison suggest, Lydia takes a breath before flipping her hair over her should and struts off down the hall. Allison and Izzy look at each other smiling before following her.


Izzy was at her locker when stiles came running down the hall towards her. "You need to come with me, right now." he said pulling her away from her locker

"What? Why?" Izzy asked as he pulled her out to the lacrosse feild "Scott said theres another werewolf." Stiles said as they got to scott.

"so you smelled another wolf?" Izzy asked when the two got to him. Izzy should have probably told them it was Isaac but she kinda wanted to see how this whole thing would play out.

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