twenty five!- uber messages...

487 21 4

Eden had discovered upon her last conversation with 'Derek' that she couldn't actually drive home, in fact she wouldn't be able to drive for about a year, and by that time she would most likely be much too ill to be driving anywhere, so unfortunately Eden had to take all of her stuff and get an uber, which wouldn't take long seeing as she was only an hour away, and unfortunately shed probably just have to leave her car there for a while, or at least until somebody close to her in north Carolina hears about her cancer so she could beg them to go get her car.

Eden had made the responsible decision that she was probably going to sell her car, she didn't need it and she hardly ever uses it anyway. she could get lifts to the hospital and if anything uber was always an option.

Eden's current uber was actually okay, Eden had always hated getting uber's after the last time, she didn't really like to think about it too often, long story short she almost got kidnapped, it wasn't her best moment in life. but this guy was nice, it wasn't an awkward drive, they'd talk occasionally but other than that they just kept to themselves, he listened to his music in the front (Eden thought he had superior taste in music, it was good music to stare out of the window to) and Eden either was on her phone or she was watching the world.

Eden was doing such at the minute, they were about half way through their journey and Eden had been messaging tommy the whole way, she and tommy had always had a close friendship, and in a ways he felt like a little brother to her, it was the same feeling she got with ranboo and tubbo, sometimes when she was speaking to them it felt like speaking to the brother that she had lost all those years ago.

tommy had been asking her about how she handles everything, he had seen all the backlash she gets from being the only girl to be properly apart of the Mr beast crew, he had been worried about hate, and of course she knew he didn't mean to come to her in an offensive way, he always came to her for advice and Eden was always happy to help him.

but unfortunately Eden had to cut their conversation short when she got a message from George, she hadn't opened it yet but she knew that if George was actually messaging her it could be important, and as of recently eden couldn't actually multitask, it had become practically impossible, and  besides, Tommy's advice session was basically over, she had given him all the advice on the subject that she could think of, there was nothing more to give.

and so she opened up the message from George, and to say she was shocked was the biggest understatement that was ever made, she had even gasped aloud which had earned her curiously quirked eyebrow from her driver which was rather embarrassing on eden's part.

but the message she had received made her feel so many emotions and all at once, she felt both angry and saddened, yet her heart had warmed at the kind words george had sent her, but it also burned from the betrayal she felt.

Georgie 🤡🎈

Georgie 🤡🎈
Hey eden, dream told me you just had surgery, I know I wasn't supposed to tell you I knew but I really couldn't live with myself if I didn't tell you now how much I care about you I just wanted

you to know how sorry I am that you have to through this, if it was up to me I would take this from you any day

I know I'm not usually this sappy but I'm upset and when I'm sad I go crazy lmao

Love you Ed :)

Eddie 🙄😒
Hey George?

When did dream tell you, I did specifically tell him not to tell anybody about my predicament

It seems that your not included in that group ig

Even so, I really appreciate everything you've said

But you don't have to be sorry, none of it can be helped really

I've got surgery and I'm going to get some more treatment :)

I love you too georgie <33

Georgie 🤡🎈
Are you going to be okay eventually?

Eddie 🙄😒
I don't think so George, I think things will get better before they get worse though

But it's okay, I'll learn to accept it, you should to <3

Georgie 🤡🎈
You can't just accept that your going die eden

A. That is so morbid and no.

And B. What are the rest of us going to do without you??

Eddie 🙄😒
George were all going to die eventually

We are all living clocks

Some just run faster than others

Idk where I was going with that but my point is George that you may think it's unfair now but we all have to die and maybe me dying will open up some new doors for other people

Yk cause when one door closes another one opens?

Georgie 🤡🎈
Can't your doctors give you some sort of miracle medicine or something, you can't leave its not fair

Eddie 🙄😒
My doctors are doing everything they can georgie  without any treatment I'd be gone in half a year, at least with whatever I'm going to get I get a year and a half

And in that Tim's ill be able to say my proper goodbyes

I can even meet you in person :)

Georgie 🤡🎈
I don't want to live withought you eden

Nobody wants to, there's got to be something else they can do

Thats not enough time.

Eddie 🙄😒
Believe me George, I've gone through the exact same thought process

There isn't anything else

We've just got to accept that I'm going to die

But it's okay I'll be living through the memories you have of me :)

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