chapter twenty-five

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    I had started to find my unit quite amusing, I would smile with them, talk with them... laugh with them...
  Every time we would play you would laugh, the most beautiful laugh in the world...
  Your laugh was soft but at the same time truthful, I miss it...

     Abbey and Alex stared at code 001 worried, she looked furious, "well then, code 001! Why don't you start the training, let's start with defensive maneuvers" Adam said happily, code 001 took some steps forward "you will have to use your advanced tactics to protect yourself against the robots that will be trying to fight you, your goal is to stay in the square drawn on the floor" Adam explained, code 001 nodded and walked to the middle of the square, she waited for some seconds before robots started appearing and running in her direction before the first one could reach her she ran to the left to slow the robots down, she slipped but quickly picked herself up, she ran around for about ten minutes before Adam turned off the robots, code 001 walked over to the unit and Adam, "code 001, you slipped multiple times, I had been told that you had perfected your defense tactics but there must have been a miscommunication" Adam said disappointed, code 001 didn't say anything but instead looked at the floor "Mr! It wasn't code 001 fault! Her leg was badly injured recently" Kylie protested "is that so, code 001?" Adam asked code 001 seriously, code 001 nodded shyly, Adam kneeled in front of code 001 and rolled up a bit of the end of her leggings, he examined the wound that was still covered with blood "I see that this wound hasn't been treated yet, can someone explain why?" Adam asked seriously "that must have been my fault, our unit was quite a havoc these last day" Abbey answered embarrassed "was code 001 throwing one of her tantrums?" Adam asked disappointed "tantrums?" Alex questioned confused "we will discuss this matter in private, I shouldn't have brought it up in front of everyone" Adam admitted with a chuckle, the unit was silent and just went on with the training.
    The training ended at two o'clock, and the unit was starving and complained all the way back to the main room about it, code 001 was silent and looked like she was lost in her thoughts "code 001?" A muffled voice asked for her, she heard the voice call her some more times before she snapped out of her thoughts "code 001?" Abbey called for the girl worried "yes?" code 001 asked confused "oh thank God!" Eva cheered, Alex and Kylie both took a deep breath and Austin smiled "what are we thanking God for?" code 001 asked even more confused "you zoned out like you did on the day of the incident" Abbey explained "I don't zone out" code 001 protested, the unit looked at the girl, all of them being confused as to why code 001 was being so difficult "well, if you say so" Abbey said nearly whispering, the unit continued walking to their main room and soon enough they had arrived, "hey, Abbey! Wanna play the guitar?" Eva asked excited "sure" Abbey answered happily, and they both ran to the girl's room, "I'm going for a run," code 001 said seriously "I don't think you should go for a run, we should get your leg checked out at the infirmary first" Alex pointed out "my leg hurts, runs make me feel better, so what's the problem?" code 001 asked seriously "don't insist man, she has something with the infirmary" Austin whispered into Alex's ear, code 001 went out the door without another word "God, why does she never listen to me?" Alex asked annoyed "maybe because she's still mad at you" Austin answered with a sigh "I said sorry! Why can't we just get over it!" Alex protested "Alex, you realise your mad with a literal twelve-year-old, right," Austin asked his friend "yes" Alex answered disappointedly in himself "just give her time it will be fine" Austin assured, Alex smiled at him and they both went to their room.
    It was already dinner time when Alex checked the time, he went to the main room "hey girls" Alex greeted the three girls "hey Alex" Abbey said disappointed "what's up?" Alex asked worried "have you heard from code 001?" Kylie asked worried "yeah, she went for a run when we got back from training, why? Did something happen?" Alex answered confused "it's because she still hasn't come back" Abbey answered "I've been trying to tell her that code 001 is probably just doing some work but she won't listen" Eva complained "don't sweat it, Abbey, she's going to be fine" Alex reassured his friend but in the back of his mind he was also worried, Alex went to the fridge and grabbed some leftovers "are you guys hungry?" he asked the three girl's "no thanks, I ate recently" Kylie answered politely "same here" Eva answered plainly "what about you Abbey?" Alex asked worried "no, I'm good" Abbey answered hesitantly "I'm going to my room, Eva, make sure Abbey eats something," Alex said seriously, he left to his room where he ate in silence, he put the empty plate on his bedside table and laid down "Jesus, you ate fast" Austin commented when he got back from his shower "well, I don't think anyone should be that fast in the shower" Alex commented sarcastically "at least I shower" Austin pointed out "shut up!" Alex shouted as he threw a pillow in Austin's direction "gee, gentle much" Austin said after he dodged the pillow his friend had thrown, "did someone do the laundry this week?" Austin asked as he searched through a pile of clothing thrown on the floor "I don't think so, and if things go on like this it probably won't be done for a while" Alex commented with a sigh "why? Did something come up?" Austin asked surprised "I guess, but it's probably gonna be resolved soon, let's just get some sleep" Alex explained disappointed. The unit was radio silent for the rest of the night even if all of them had something to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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