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SCOTT AND OLIVER RESDING (or Oliver teaching Scott to read bc he csnt LOL)
My fav lawyer 🫶🫶
This is just too funny too me also idk who's shorter or taller
Requested by @Midnight155_

Scott glared at the paper in his hand,never being able to get the sentence right as all the letters for some reason looked the same which caused him to give up and slam the book

Just then,Oliver had walking into the room that the other was in and jumped at the sound before letting a sigh "You alright there Scott?" they asked while gripping the law book tighter

"Im fine Oliver I just cant" the cyanette stared while gesturing to the book on the table,causing him to huff and bury his face into his hand

The lawyer peeked over and caught the title if the book "That is a Shakespeare quote im pretty sure" they said while trying not to laugh "Not even the smartest humans could understand him" they spoke while walking towards the other pieces of paper

Eventually,the droopy eared rat perked up and turned towards the farmer while walking over "So this may be a but babyish however its a good way to start reading" the slightly taller started while sitting them both down

So,Oliver would write down a word,say it and then Scott would repeat it back,however to make it more difficult sometimes they would say a word they already said and wait again,without helping the other

After half an hour,the two stopped as they were hungry and started to head towards what seemed to be the middle of the attic as there was a food house made by Lizzie

All to say was atleast he learned some words,maybe in the future he'll know more and even the very difficult ones but for now hes fine with the ones he know

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