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AU where rats have a cat companion
Lizzie = Joel
Jimmy = Tango and Grain (pesky 'bird' is often away tho)
Might make this into a story
Everyone thank Ophrca for this AU :))

All the rats had been gathered together but someone but they had no idea who,all they knew was that there was another event and some new people would join them

It had taken a few minutes before a bright light appeared,the words that were there saying "Everyone now has a cat companion,some have more than one now please do and find them" and with that,it was darker once again

They all glanced at each other before running out the attic,crashing into each other at the end before the safety rat stopped them before letting them continue in a somewhat more calm manor

Soon enough the entire group of rats had gotten down to the stairs and there on the floor were what seemed to be humanoid cats,the sizes of both Oreo and Oi but only with cat ears and tails,maybe whiskers too however they couldn't see that

It was quiet amongst the rats until the baker happily ran over to one of the cats "Joel!!" yelled Lizzie,extremely excited to have her boyfriend back which caused him to laugh,picking up the pinkette and slightly licking her face

Soon enough,the rest of the rats had found their new partners except for one,Jimmy refused to be near the cats as the last time he was close to one he almost died as Oi wanted to 'play' as Owen said

However he was suddenly tackled to the floor and the sound of familiar laughter made him grin,the weight was suddenly off him so he stood up immediately and turned around,seeing Grian there with a mischievous grin on his face

"Hey Timmy,there's someone else here for you" Said the shortest cat,just shorter than Joel,before running off too the other side of the table which caused the rat to be confused,his tails swishing side to side

A few seconds later the same dirty blonde appeared but he was holding another blonde who looked extremely familiar,as the two got closer he heard the name he wasn't expecting


Suddenly he felt himself running before tackling the blonde cat,a red handkerchief around his neck "Tango your here too!! Oh I've missed you!" He hugged the other tightly which caused them both to laugh before the shortest of them took a seat first,followed by them soon

They all doesn't the rest of the day talking and catching up,when the humans came back however the made their way back to the attic but it took awhile for all the cats to actually get up since it was made for well the rats

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