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Acho is like Oliver's bestie while Tommys like the weird clingy bf
Plus oli's there bc he's Oliver's brother (headcannon)
Also toms small then Olive cannonicly

Acho looked down at the other rats,the blonde was tightly clinging onto the black and grey haired rat who in turn simply smiled nervously as he was koala hugging them

The purple rat then turned to his side to be met with an upset looking Oli who was glaring at the shorter blonde with his arms crossed and tail angrily swishing side to side which caused the taller to laugh

"What's going on here?" Asked the garbage rat which caused the two too glance at them with the shorter moving closer too his significant other which caused the taller to laugh more "He's clingy and doesn't want to go outside"

The poet rolled his eyes and pulled the two up,causing them to stumble and for the blonde too fall on the floor with a small groan before standing up,hugging the taller from behind

Oliver laughed quietly as both their tails wrapped around each other's "We have to go do our jobs" the tallest grinned as he lightly hit the other blonde who in turn glared at him "Yeah and we have plans later" was the mumble that followed which caused them all to laugh

However rather quickly the lawyer had been pulled into the air and disappeared to the other side of the attic,near the stairs however they were hidden by some materials

"Tom,I have a job!" They groaned however the other simply buried themselves further into their neck,tail happily swaying side to side while the grey rat sighed,pulling Tommy closer causing the two to be warm which was a nice change from the cold attic

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