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Olive kinda asking for permission? YES SIR
Can you tell I really like cobble duo and have missed them :)

Scott simply laughed as he watched his mate try and clean the youngest among them,not only was Jimmy all about safety however he was also all about good health and hygiene

A knock at the door could barely be heard over the two blondes yelling however he still heard it,walking towards it the cyanette was prepared to apologise for the noises but as he opened it the door revealed Oliver

The lawyer grinned nervously as they started picking at their finger nails "Is Tommy in?" They asked,small shaking just a bit as the grey rat started fiddling with the rings on their hand

He smiled softly before stepping out the way "He is,ignore my husband though" he gestured too the other male who was still trying to fix the chaotic etas hair that continued to stay puffed up

"Hello safety rat!" They slightly shouted to be heard which caused the two to look up and a bright smile to appear on the tallers face while the shorter had a small soft smile "Oliver,welcome!" Jimmy clapped happily,standing beside his partner who rolled his eyes playfully "Ive Seen that you cleaned up the poop and I'll get back to you on that soon"

The safety rat quickly pulled over Tommy who stumbled slightly,his smile getting bigger when he made eye contact with the lawyer who waved slightly,causing the other two too hurts out laughing

A sudden clap made them look over "We'll be off! Bye Scott,bye Jim!" the blonde grabbed the tallers hand and quickly pulled them out of the house before peeking back in "Don't say shit." And with that he had disappeared causing Scott and Jimmy to burst out laughing at the reaction

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