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My chaos trio 🤭
I love them but Oli scares me sometimes like why did he write a love letter
Jim has flashbacks to third life and Scott
Oli calls liz
Wholesome cuddling

The rats were all sat around in a circle,they had decided to simply get to know each other since some of them hadn't actually met each other

Jimmy was sat in between Oli and Scott,the other blondes tail was wrapped around his simply for fun as he basically laid on him while the cyanette chatted away with Owen and occasionally kissing his cheek

The more time went on the more he started getting the sense of deja vu and it only got worse as someone yelled something about phantoms,causing sudden memories to flash into his brain

He screamed and grabbed onto his husband as phantoms came and swooped down,suddenly getting shoved into the house that was quickly filled with almost every member

The blonde kept close to his husband,the rest may of been their friends but this is a game of life and death where anyone could die at any point

Scott simply wrapped one warm around his waist slightly as the shorter hid behind him,arms wrapped around his neck which caused a few 'awesss' to slip out

Suddenly all he could see was red,there was blood everywhere as everyone fought,screaming could barely be heard over the sirens in his head

He was trapped in some sort of bunker,crouching so he would die as both him and Grians husband,Scar, were red lives which happened oh so quickly

There was nothing he could do when the arrow pierced right through his head causing a sharp pain to corse through him however that was all he could remember before blacking out

He was suddenly back to the circle however he was crowded,everyone surrounding him while asking questions about if he was okay and such

The safety rat was unexpectedly grabbed and pulled away by the garbage rat that was hiding him from the others,or atleast the best he could despite being shorter

"You alright?" A soft tone laced his voice befire cupping his face "Was it the memories?" He asked another question as the taller smiled softly and nodded,closing his eyes and trying to block out all the noise

However there was the sound of running that caught everyone's attention,opening his hazel eyes only to see his dear sister rubbing over,holding a small bit of her previously naked cake which made him smile and open his arms

The pinkette half hugged him before fully facing him with a wide grin "Here Jim,your favourite!" She quickly handed it to him before sighing "You okay though,it must be hard having those memories" Lizzie whispered,hiding her mouth so the others didn't see

He was glad too have the shorter as his sister and was thankful that Oli could actually be serious and help when she was gone,one day he'll tell the others but for now? He's fine with the privacy

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