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Apo flirting with a flustered Acho while Oliver regrets everything
Also I wanna do smth like Oli x Martyn (doesn't even have to be a ship just smth with them) but idk their views on shipping and can't find nothing 🙏

Apo leaned on the table with their tail swishing behind them which caused both Oliver and Acho to look up from the books they were reading with raised eyebrows

He simply grinned happily before sitting on the desk causing a mess of stutters to come out of the lawyers mouth as they watched him sit infront of the poet,pushing the book out the way

"Can I help you?" Asked the purple rat,hands on either side of the brunettes legs,leaning slightly forward "Nothing sweetheart" he said while starting to play with the soft purple locks with his feet swing slightly

The tallers face flared up and he was suddenly a bright red,tail swaying swiftly as he glanced up at the other clearly confused however the sewer simply continued playing with his hair

Their third friend stared at them for a few seconds "well this is awkward" the gray rat quickly typed a message through their communicator and grinned when they almost instantly received a message "Bye  guys! I'm off to see Tommy" with that Oliver was speeding out the house

Apo and Acho looked back at each other before the one sat on the table burst out laughing and holding tightly onto the others shoulder who started quietly chuckling

After a few minutes,they calmed down and looked at each other with soft smiles "Well,wanna do something?" Asked the shorter as he leaned back slightly,legs still swinging while his tail swayed side to side

The poet simply nodded "Sure let's go" with that,he picked up the other who instantly wrapped his arms and legs around them,causing a few chuckles to erupt from his throat while the headed into the living room

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