Tubbo & Jimmy

342 11 1

I'm not sure what they're duo name is :((
i don't care if one is a potential cannibal and the other is a potential villian they're great
Also yes I like Rat Jim

Jimmy nodded as Apo continued talking,his tail slowly swishing side to side on the floor which created a small noise but not many of them paid attention

However the sound of running caused his eyes to avert to the space where it was coming from only too see Tubbo run past them and down the exit or entrance to the attic

He immediately turned towards it fully and jumped off the blocks they were standing on,not bothering to  be safe before sliding down the hole,jumping once more too avoid damage

The safety rat glanced around before feeling his communicator buzz and pulled it out of his pockets,seeing the words '[Tubbo has been captured by the chef]' which caused a sense of panic to rush through him

Almost immediately he ran in the direction of the cage that the chef usually put people in,sliding under tables and such to stay hidden and not get captured himself

The sound of singing made him turn his head,his large ears twitching at the sound which caused a smile to creep its way onto his face,running in the direction

He quickly made his way to the cage and unlocked it,getting tackled into a hug by the shorter who wrapped both his arms and legs around him

"Okay Tubs" the blonde burst out into laughter,hearing the other rats running after him and into the room "Cmon we have to get out of here bud" the brunette simply hugged him tighter

A sigh escaped his lips as he turned to the others "You guys are in charge to make sure we get back safe" one hand went under the younger to make sure he didn't fall while the other patted his back

Tubbo had slowly fallen asleep on the trip back,only hearing a faint "Goodnight son" from Jimmy before passing out and his ears dropping down

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