Flower husbands + others

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Haha hiii
Spoilers kinda
So sorry fir not posting :((((((
Anyway here's one inspired by Jimmys first death !
CW: mentions of death,mention of bleeding and large scar

Jimmy shot up and gasped,hand flying to rest over his heart to make sure that he was in fact alive,after running for the majority of the day from the weird magical cats that duplicated because of Scott's stupid potion,the biggest of the bunch had finally caught and killed him

Looking around,the blonde quickly realised that he was in Scotts bed which caused his cheeks to warm up,shaking his head rather quickly,the safety rat tried to move before feeling a sharp pain in his back

The sound of multiple footsteps getting closer was ignored as he curled into a ball,tears starting to stream down his face while slightly sharp teeth sank into tail to quieten himself down

Suddenly he was enveloped in a hug,making him cry out in pain "Jim,Jimmy talk to me,where does it hurt?" despite having difficulties to hear at the moment,he could tell El was the one that had hugged him and was currently talking to him as others swarmed into the room

He shakily pointed towards his back before going back to biting his tail,which was forcefully taken out his mouth before being wrapped in bandages "Bite my arm,I can handle it" Bek spoke,trying her best to be soft spoken but also be heard over Jimmy and the others

Jimmy nodded slight before doing as she said,causing a small groan of pain to escape her lips before ruffling his hair,silently signalling she wasn't hurt and he was okay to continue

There were two others in the room,both too quiet didn't he couldn't make out who it was "We're gonna take your jacket off,is that okay?" Asked the taller female,waiting for a nod which soon came after her question to continue

With that his high vis jacket had been taken off and thrown away,a hand slid up his back causing the blonde the sit up while biting harder on the fighters arm,making him simply feel guilt until she once again looked at him and nodded

"Sorry Jimmy,we need to see the damage" It was thankfully Owen,being one of the other safest rats in the entire attic "Can you sit up and let us remove your shirt?" The brunett asked before the shorter did as he asked,biting down once again on Beks poor arm that would get wrapped up after

A chain of gasps could be heard when the shirt was fully removed at the sight of a cut that went from his shoulder to his hips,blooding continuing to poor out and run down his back and most likely into his trousers

Slowly,a soft hand ran over in causing him to cry out more while realising Beks arm from his mouth,a chain of pleas for it too stop slipped past his lips until he was pulled into a hug once again by El,who was avoiding touching the cut at all costs

"It's okay,it'll be better soon" she tried to reassure him but it wouldn't work,Jimmy continued to bury his face into her chest while gripping onto her trousers while the crafter ran her fingers through his messy hair

Scott watched from the stairs,gripping onto the first aid kit like his life depended on it when didn't and he knew that,it was his fault Jimmy had lost a life,all he wanted the cats gone so he made a potion or simply tried instead it had duplicated the cats and now they had some weird magic powers

The cyanette snapped out of his thoughts before running over,slightly nudging Owen to the side before sliding closer to Jimmys back while opening the first aid kit and sighing "I'm so sorry Jim,the is gonna hurt" 

Inside the kid was the essentials as well as a bottle of water so they could clean around the cuts,which he grabbed as well as a white cloth before rinsing it in the bottle water,taking a quick glance at Owen before handing the bow half empty bottle to him

"I'm sorry" he said once again before placing a soft hand just beside the scar,it resting on the shorters waist which was unusually small before wiping the cloth over the scar,causing the safety rat to grip onto El even tighter and for his tail to straighten up,smacking Scott in the process

He groaned quietly before handing the cloth too the engineer soon after pulling out an alcohol-free wipe and starting to gently dab around the large cut,trying his best to ignore the whines coming from the other so he didn't feel even more guilt

It took a minute or two before he soon pulled out the bandages and wrapping it around his back,being slow and soft during the whole process as too not cause more pain too Jimmy,who at this point had ran out of tears and was now simply clutching to El

"It's okay now,let's get you too change and lay down yeah?" She 'asked' as it wasn't really a question,slightly pushing the other away before helping him stand and into the room next too the bedroom before throwing him some sleep trousers as he wouldn't handle a shirt on

The group sat there in silence while waiting for Jimmy,none of them wanted to speak a single word incase their voice betrayed them and none of them could handle that at the moment

Soon enough,Jimmy came back out with a dazed look on his face as he was clearly mentally and physically exhausted from everything so the majority of the group stood up "We'll make sure no one else has died,we'll bring back food on our way back" and with that Bek had grabbed the first aid kit,soon leaving with El and Owen following soon after

Scott turned and picked up the shorter,causing a small yelp to come out before laughing quietly,soon the two were laying on the large bed,the cyanette was laying on his back while the blonde laid on top on him on his stomach as too not put pressure on his back

"I'm so sorry" the gardener apologised for the umpteenth that night as the other buried his face deeper in his chest " 'Ts okay,'m better now" he said,slowly but surely falling asleep as his eyes betrayed him,closing sooner then he hoped

The other simply laughed before turning off the small lamp next to the bed,closing his own eyes soon after "I love you" he muttered under his own breath despite knowing the other wouldn't hear before falling asleep himself

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