Jimmy & The Gardner

349 16 4

Mainly them but multiple characters are in it :))
Slight flower husbands
God I love rats
The Gardner is called George bc I can and he somehow understands Jimmy but not the rest

Jimmy simply laughed while the other rats chased after him in the garden,each and every one of them screaming at him too come back since he was headed straight for the gardener

The rest of them stopped in horror as the safety rat ran over and started squeaking,which caused the gardner to look down with a small smile on his face

"Hello there Jimmy!" slowly but surely George picked up the rat in his palm with the small rat's tail swishing side to side as he happily waved,all the man could hear were squeaks but he could somehow understand him

The blonde pointed towards the group of rats,who all looked shocked at the fact the man hadn't chased them or throw the rat over the hedge, which made George crouch down and slowly put both hands outs "Come on,let's get you guys somewhere safer"

With that both Lizzie and Martyn hopped onto the same hand as their brother soon followed by the rest however one stayed back and it was Scott who was glaring at the humans face

"Scott come on!" Yelled Owen with a wide smile to to his best friend but still nothing so Jimmy quickly hopped off and grabbed the farmers brands before whispering something into the others ear

That caused the cyanette to flush and violently nod his head before jumping onto the same hand the blonde was just on and clinging onto him,hands wrapped around the tallers waist

George grinned and put them all onto a bush that was almost up to his face so he just crouched down the rest of the way "I'm very glad to see Jimmy had friends but where have you all been staying?" He asked a little concerned on where all these little rats where living since almost everyone else hated rats

Acho stood in front of all of them,Martyn by his side who was gripping a knife tightly as the purple rat pointed towards the attic the best he could "Attic?" that caused all of them to nod

A smile grin made its way to his face "Next time I go up there I'll leave you some food yeah?" He watched as all of them cheered,maybe they weren't as bad as the others thought

Ratssmp Oneshots !! Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat