El & Jimmy

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I love them talking abt Angel delight
It's like childhood besties
That's what they are

El stared at Tubbo as he continued ranting about god knows what,she had stopped listening a few minutes ago when he talked about sugar and the ratsistance

The sound of someone running with an occasional mumble made its way to their ears however only the taller turned into the direction while the other just continued his speech

As the sound got louder,Jimmy rounded the corner holding a makeshift bowl with something brown in it  as he had a wide grin on his face while stepping closer

She raised a brow,silently having a conversation as to not disturb the brunette and cause him to get upset at them while all the blonde did was push the bowl forward

In the bowl was angel delight,a dish the two absolutely love but have different opinions on and the flavour happened to be one of her favourite which was chocolate

After a few seconds of glancing at the rat and the dish,she picked up the spoon and stared eating while nodding every once and a while

Soon after Tubbo was called away by Shubble and hid his adieus before running off into the directions,leaving the two alone

"Good angel delight Jim" she covered her mouth while speaking before continuing "Why did you make this for me though?" while asking the shorter had started fidgeting

Jimmy picked at his fingernails,silence flowed in the room however it wasn't awkward infact it was somewhat comfortable "I wanted to do something nice,you saved me multiple times so"

A soft smile made its way too El's lips as she messed up his soft blonde hair causing a small whine to erupted from his throat,soon followed by laughter from both of them

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