dictionary! :)

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unfamiliar word dictionary: 

Woghort: a mixture of a pig and a bull. It takes on the size of a pig and has long tusks and small horns. They can also spit small fire balls (but it doesn't hurt much)

Groundwader: a small dragon that lives underground and eats worms. They can go on land but simply choose not to.

Dabblit: a deer and a rabbit mixed together. A white rabbit with deer spots and antlers, extremely docile and never known to hurt a witch.

Leviathan: a slinky sea creature with small limbs and often known to hurt and even kill witches and any animal or beast that may cross its path.

Seaver: a leafy small creature that chills on vine embedded walls or any kind of greenery that it can blend in to.

EXTRA INFO: plastic is not a thing in the witch universe! remember that for later chapters. some things that are created in the world your reading this from may not be a thing for our girls in their universe! this may be extremely obvious but Elijah is a lesbian :0 Amy is a big fan of dabblits and Elijah loves groundwaders!


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