chapter 5: A day in the life

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 Authors input: this chapter is to show what a day in the forest would look like with the love birds! (no plot twist or anything just a wholesome chapter)

(this is also two days after the last chapter)

October 9th 2022

I sit up, the smell of fresh morning air hits me suddenly. As i look to my left, i see Amy, sleeping soundly, i take a few moments to admire her natural beauty, it sounds cheesy i know but whats not to like? After a bit i snap out of my captivating trance, standing up and giving a grand stretch with a side of yawning. I unzip the tent, zzzzhzp! It rung throughout the quiet forest, too loud! I thought giving a quick glance back to Amy, but yet again she was still sleeping peacefully. I slip out of the tent, the bright light of the morning sky causing me to squint at the piercing sight. First and foremost, i thought i really need to take a leak! ( no i am not going to describe that) I step out back into the small opening in the woods we called our campsite and pull out the foldable grill and pan that my dad got me for Christmas, hey at least now it was getting used for something! I kneel down and rummage through one of the bags i labled "food" and pulled out a large cooler with padding all around the outside, this was full of breakable or messy food items, and what i was mostly looking for was eggs. The first morning we spent out in these we were about 24 hours back through the forest and had some waffles for breakfast, then it was pancakes, yogurt fruit thing and now eggs and bacon.

 I heave the heavy cooler up and out of the bag, placing it on the pine covered ground of the now bright forest. ssssssss! I set the bacon down on the fiery grill, the smell was now unavoidable and made my stomach grumble. The smell must have made its way into the tent because not soon after, Amy joined me, rubbing her eyes, a stuffed dabblit and a small pink blanket in hand. "Wow you look like a little kid" i chuckled as i slowly moved the pan around, the smell of cooking bacon grew thick and tempting. I looked over at Amy, drool practically pouring out of her mouth, her eyes now closed as she hunched over "seriously finish making that i'm dying over here!" she groaned as she grasped her stomach with both hands. "Not gonna lie i agree with you!" i whined as i flipped the bacon, my stomach was now practically yelling curse words at me, god i'm so hungry  i thought.

 After what seemed like forever me and Amy sat down to eat, "oh yeah" Amy squealed, taking a big chomp out of her egg and chowing down on her bacon "what are you kool aid man?" i laughed with a mouth half full, as i had done the same. We both laughed while trying to eat, though it was undeniable that we were unable to do both. After breakfast we both packed away the few things we had out and headed off. I pulled out the map and pointed north east. We set out on a march, we had no idea where we were going but hey, we couldn't care less, we were just two dumbass highschoolers who decided to run away to find a place that they don't even know is real. Was it all just a fantasy? Was i just driven to find a reason to explain my obsession? Or did i just like the idea of having days on end alone with just Amy? I don't know, but all i know is that i'm happy.

 We set off on the journey chatting through the thick bushes of the forest. "honestly though, are we really so dumb to do this all on just a simple myth?" Amy asked "clearly" i replied with a smug grin and a shrug. She suddenly got quiet, looking down at her feet. "You okay?" i asked, she nodded "yeah i just-" her sentence was cut off by a hug from yours truly. I had understood how she was feeling, everything that has happened throughout our lives, it was hard not to just want a hug, a real, genuine hug. "Thanks.." she muttered through the thick fabric of my sweater, "no worries" i replied "its what friends do". We continued on with the faded trail, getting back to our little laughs and chit chats.

 A few hours had passed and we took a break laughing our asses off at all the things we somehow found funny.  I pulled out two big cookies from my bag "i told myself that i would save this for the fourth day!" i bragged "you know four is my lucky numberrrr?" she replied as she snatched a cookie from my hand "hey i wanted that one!" i groaned "now all i have is this oatmeal grandma cookie..!" i whined, leaning onto her trying to grab the other cookie. "aha!" i yelled as i finally snatched the other cookie "now lets see what were working with..." i mumbled as i tore open the plastic packaging "wha-" i paused "no way!" Amy laughed "another f***ing oatmeal cookie!?" i yelled, throwing the piece of garbage on the floor. "Now if you really want snacks..." Amy giggled as she pulled out two fruit by the foot's from her bag "oh you've got to be kidding me" i sighed, practically begging her for one "ah ah ah" she smirked "whats the magic word..?" she said smugly "ugh..please?" "nope!" She yelled as she snatched the snacks away from me "what? fine uhmm dabblit fan club?" I asked as a reference to her shirt " know me too well!" She chirped as she finally handed over my beloved fruit by the foot. A silence settled as we both began to shut ourselves up by stuffing our faces with the long rope-like treat. for a few seconds we just sat there munching away, when suddenly Amy started to laugh like crazy. "Whats so funny?" i ask "you look like your a past police man having flashbacks to crazy fights!" "whats with your weird expression!?" she laughed i scrunched up my face at the comment "okay well whatever!" I snap back jokingly.

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