chapter 15: the OGRAF

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october 16th 2022

The sleep was terrible to say the least. Despite my obvious fatigue, the humans continued to research me, which meant they kept the bright, blaring lights on all night. The only upside was that they turned some of the lights of in my room. I was woken up by the on and off clicking of my lights, practically strobe. I angrily got up, trying to kick my bed off its wall while rubbing my eyes. "stop flashing my fucking lights!" i shouted at whoever was annoyingly flashing my lights. The flashing stopped, thankfully, and i opened my eyes, half expecting to see Marcus and his taunting grin. To my surprise, i saw a girl, short as she was she oozed with confidence from top to bottom.

The girl had shoulder length curly, dirty blonde hair, that looked constantly poofy and thick. She was wearing a white loose tank top and cargo army pants. She was clearly strong despite her size, and, though she was probably average height for a human she was devastatingly shorter than me. By first glance i would say that she was about 5'10, and i am 7'2 for reference. 

 She beckoned me to the glass, or plastic wall. I stomped towards her, lunging forward like i was about to hit her but stopping before i concussed myself. The human had no reaction, except a look on her face that screamed 'hell yeah! this is so cool!' I crossed my arms and stood there, waiting for her to do something. "so- dude can you even talk? or are you a chick? yeah your a chick" The human tapped the glass, gathering my repressed attention. "yeah what about it? what, they're gonna send you in here like AJ? to trick me?"

"you know AJ?"

"yes? you do too? so you know hes a stuttering little dork?"

"yes and no. I know him and-- DO NOT TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT YOU HYBRID LITTLE SHIT" the human suddenly yelled through the glass, even though it was partially muffled, my hyper sensitive ears picked up the noise almost five times more loud than she said it. I covered my ears, even after she yelled it still rung for a good two minutes after the fact. "why are you so loud? you know i can hear five times louder than you hear right?" The human regained her face of triumph "that's so awesome" i tilted my head questioningly at her. "the OGRAF is going to love having you on the feild"

"the OGRAF? what are you rambling on about"

"first of all im not rambling on, i mean watch your language your the one in captivity. second of all OGRAF? THE BEST THING THE HUMAN POPULATION HAS EVER SEEN? HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW?" this time, she yelled it even louder, i stumbled back and furrowed my brow angrily while cupping my sensitive ears. "oops" she mumbled "yeah, thanks for that ear bleeding screech you overjoyed dabblit" i hissed, gingerly removing my hands and stepping back to face the, tiny, human. "explain what 'OGRAF' is" i said "but don't yell" 

"alright alright, OGRAF: Offical Govermental Resistance Army Force"

"you guys want me in the army? seriously?"

"you and...maybe that girlfriend of yours"

"she's not a girlfriend! shes--a friend that happens to be a girl of whom i respect and enjoy very much!" wow i really sound sooo convincing way to go all formal eli. The human burst out laughing. "yeah i totally believe you after that essay" She taunted. "whats your name? i need to know if your going to be in my unit" "Elijah, you?" "im Evee, where is your girlfriend? shouldn't she have come with you?"

"come with me? Evee we were kidnapped, she was hiding while they tranquillised me" i showed Evee the soon to be two scars on my neck "they did it the first time we came here, but to me and Amy both" damn i forgot to declare shes not my girlfriend

"you were?! i was told you guys came here because of an offer"

"who told you that AJ?"

"he--he did" Evee said, looking as if she solemnly realised something. There's something i should say, something comforting. Uhhh, think eli think! "I'm-- uh sorry?" "that was so fake Elijah" the human chcukled. Evee leaned into the glass and lowered her voice to a whisper "i'll tell you this, ill break you out of here and tell you everything i know about SREC"


"Marcus's company: Scientific Research and Experimentation Centre" she said hurriedly, quickly taking one out of what looked like a million keys and unlocking my chamber. "now, come on we have to go before they realise your gone and cant--do what they wanted to do"    

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