chapter 8: Scared straight (or scared lesbian)

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October 12th 2022

We ran out the door, only to see what i hoped not to see, more humans. Weary and somewhat suspicious chatter filled the air as all eyes turned to us, well mostly to me because i was the only one awake. My eyes darted around, i couldn't run to my right because then i would just head straight into the lab again, but i knew that if i stalled for any longer they would regain full consciousness and burst through the door for us. Without thinking i run backwards, a large fence surrounded the area with a few trees, blocking it from the lab. I put Amy on my back and climb over the fence.

 A few shouts from inside the lab erupted and men with what i now know as guns burst through the door, they frantically look around when one shouts and points to me. i look back at them and they charged towards the fence run! i thought, and i did just that, i ran to my right along the trees, now carrying Amy in my arms. I look around for somewhere i can hide or somewhere they can't get to. The brooms!   i thought and reached into the largest bag where i had stored the brooms for Amy. The men were catching up and one reached for me as i lifted up into the air, the broom wen't medium height because i didn't wan't the pedestrians to see me flying and make a big deal. Just then i saw someone waving, from the top of their apartment they were waving both arms at me, i stopped flying and narrowed my eyes.

 Though it was blurry i could see the features of a boy, large glasses, short brown looked too much like AJ. I moved a bit closer to get a look and now i was certain, it was AJ. He made a "come here" gesture with his arms and i shook my head, he then shouted "please!" I sigh and swoop down, still higher then him but close enough that i could see him and we didn't have to shout. "what?" I sigh "y-you can hide in my dorm!" "What!?" "h-hide here, they won't e-expect that I'M hiding you" "why are you saying this?" "Come d-down and ill talk w-with you while your safe" "fine" i slowly brought out my wand and held it infront of me, just in case.

 I lowered to the large building and down to the balcony he was standing on. it looked to be like a highschool with dorms. it was well away from the lab so i figured we would be safe if he took us in. We got down to his balcony and he quickly ushered me inside, frantically looking behind him. "H-hide, hide in the closet!" "Why?" "I know t-their gonna search my d-dorm, i was the only one that r-really s-spoke to you guys" "okay okay" i haul Amy into the closet and quickly sit beside her limp body. AJ quickly shut the closet door and hushed us.

 "AJ" a distinct voice called out from beyond his dorm room. The door abruptly swung open "did you see them?" Marcus asked, i could see his feet from the crack of the closet "no, but i saw them both fly past my window "where" "that way" he pointed in the direction i was going to go when he stopped us. "If i find out you lied know what will happen" "right, y-yes sir" the door slammed shut. "G-get out here" he stammered, taking a deep weary breath and leaning on his desk in the right corner of his room by the sliding door that we came in from.

 "what did he mean you know what will happen?" I ordered "i-i don't know!" he shook his hands infront of him and looked away sheepishly. "w-whats wrong with Amy?" "why do you care again?" I retorted "well i-i know a bit of s-science i am a scientist you k-know" "well she got shot in the leg by a human and passed out" i sighed, looking back at Amy "oh w-well i can help" "how?" i rushed up to him and he jumped back "oops..sorry!" i backed away "simple medical t-things" "do it!" i grabbed his shirt and he pushed his glasses back up as they had fallen to the side. "w-well we have to m-make a deal first" "what, but i'm warning you,if its stupid im gonna really do some damage" "w-well you have to h-help me with anything i a-ask you to,n-no matter what, a-and stop being s-so scary" "okay..easy! now help her!" i growl,pointing to her motionless body in the closet, i had no idea how to use a spell or how to heal this, guns are new to me and unknown in the nether so there are no spells that were created to fix something like this.

 AJ grabbed a flashlight and put on some gloves "well there's no b-bullet in here so that's g-good" he squinted through his glasses. "fix it" i hissed over his shoulder, though i was acting mean, it was all in protective instinct, i couldn't have her die let alone in my hands i would feel horrible.

 through stitches lights and a long long time, he had fixed up the wound that made Amy pass out. "so when will she wake up?" i ask, laying on the top bunk of his bunk bed, looking up at a few dungeons and dragons posters he had sticky tacked to the wall. "soon enough, she just p-passed out from pain and fear so she'll be f-fine, but she wont be able to walk for a few d-days" "whats with these posters?" i ask "their j-just a human thing, a g-game" "oh are they based off of dabblits? or leviathans?" "whats a d-dabblit?" "d-do you not have dabblits here?" "no, all the c-characters in that game are m-mythical" "w-wait! you have stuff like t-that in your world!?" he jumped up from his desk and turned to me in surprise "yeah, their Amy's favourite things to talk about" "t-thats awesome!" "w-what does a dabblit l-look like?" he asked, grabbing a pencil and eraser and whipping out a notebook with all his characters stuck to the front "uhm well they have red eyes,deer antlers,bunny ears and some have faint spots on their back, they are also super stubby" "wait- t-that sounds like a j-jackalope" AJ spun his chair to look at me "jackalope?" i mused "y-yeah their like b-bunny's but they have wings,antlers and their c-carnivores" "nope, dabblits don't have wings and they still just eat veggies" i shrugged, sitting up "huh" he turned back and started to sketch again.

 a few hours later i heard some rustling and peered over the bed to find that Amy was finally stirring by the closet. "Amy!" i shouted, hopping over the edge of the bed. "elijah..?" she squinted from the bright lighting in AJ's room, i dimmed the lights. "what happened?" she said, sitting up "you got shot, passed out and i carried you, then AJ invited us to hide at his place and here we are" i sighed, signalling for AJ to come into her view. "oh, hey!" she smiled at him "hey, y-you okay? try not to m-make any fast m-movements" "right then.." i say, giving a quick glance to the setting sun that crept behind the trees and looming forest that was just outside his school.  "right, where would we sleep?" "you two can sleep on the bunk beds, i have a spare mattress ill sleep on "sweet thanks!" Amy responded, helping AJ pull out his mattress while i crawled back up to the top bunk with a magazine that AJ lent me to learn more about humans.

  Amy crawled below me with her crocheting kit. "hey wheres your roommate?" Amy asked, not looking up from her almost complete dabblit plush. "he left the s-school, and i requested to s-stay alone as it helps me study for f-finals" "right so we don't need to worry about some roommate finding out we're here?" "no" "right then, goodnight!" Amy yawned, turning off the small light that was attached to the wall by suction cup beside her. "right, night Amy" i responded, turning mine off too. i looked over to AJ only to see the guy had already fallen asleep. was this a bad idea? when will we leave? will anyone find us? or will we ever get home?   the thoughts rushed through my head but were soon silenced by the fading light of the moon and stars that rest above us.          

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