chapter 16: The Escape

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october 17th 2022

Evee was surprisingly quiet as we make our way towards the back door, maybe reconsidering where her loyalties lie. "what else did AJ do?" she asked quietly, or at least, what she thought was quietly. "he lied to me and Amy, tricked us into trusting him and turned us in!" i tried to whisper but the last bit came out louder than i wanted. Evee nodded and continued on.

once we made it to the door, it almost seemed too easy. we opened the door, multiple guards were posed with  their backs to us, luckily they hadn't heard the door open, so we had the upper hand. Evee looked at me and grinned, mouthing 'lets do this'. I nodded back and crept up on one of the men, covering his mouth and nose and silently making him pass out. Evee had a more-- flashy way of doing it. she tapped the guards right shoulder and when he looked she tapped the left, he whipped his head around to the left side, expecting to be met with the smiling face of his partner. Instead, he was met with a fist to the face and quick unconsciousness.

Evee looked at what i had done and frowned "that's so boring you need it to look cool" she groaned and carried on. "so you know where we're going right?" i ask as we start to walk east on the deserted road. "nope! but we know to follow the road!" she said bluntly smiling as if she could never get lost. "that is such a bad plan!" i yell as we walk along the road. "no its not! fight me if you really think i'm that unhelpful after i just broke your sorry ass out" She crossed her arms and walked slightly faster than me. I know i would normally feel angry, but something about the way she acted and said it didn't make me want to throttle her. I knew i was starting to trust her too soon and especially after AJ i should have my guard up, hell, i shouldn't have ever let it down.

"how do i know i can trust you? you work with the enemy" She scoffed and waved a hand infront of my face. "helloo? i just broke you out! whats not to trust? plus marcus was always..." She looked as though she was thinking of things to say but ended up swallowing them all. "an asshole?" i finished for her. "yeah, sure" She laughed, i could tell that she wanted to say more. "he always scheemed too much for me, he had all these master plans and strategy's and hey, i love to beat up my enemies but what he offered was very--cruel" I nod, i don't want to say anything for fear of saying the wrong thing. As everyone has told me, im not the best when it comes to comforting people, accept Amy of course.

 "like, he wanted to toy with peoples heads" she pointed to her head and made a grossed out face "like manipulate them" she sighed and put her hands on her hips. the lab and all the bad things in it were slowly fading away. "by the way i got your witch stuff!" she said with a sudden change of tone. It was just then that i noticed that she had snagged the bags that held my broom, wand and bag that held the map and book of human behaviour that me and Amy had used whilst on our journey here. "what--when did you do that!?" i ask, bewildered as i took my things from her hand. "the sleight of hand! magicians trick! i can teach you, you would have learned in the Army but hey, better to learn from the one and only right?" she grinned triumphantly. I laughed, actually laughed i forgot the last time i laughed since i met Marcus and this whole thing started.

We walked on for hours, chatting about Marcus and the human world. I thought about Amy, what she might be doing, was she worried? has she gone looking for me? did AJ and Marcus get her too? "wait-- tell me, how did you even get here? to the human world?"

"well we were at school and i found a book about humans and your 'lost cities' and i wanted to prove that you guys were real" i shrug

"give me the whole story! i want the edgy drama" she pushed enough that i finally ended up explaining it to her, though she interrupted more times than i can count. Dusk finally started to fall upon the forest covered road. "should we sleep? this is obviously going to take a day or two" i grumble, finally feeling the soreness in my legs. "there's a small town right there" Evee pointed to a tiny little town, with motels, diners and cheap homes illuminated by street and bar lights. "it looks sketchy as hell but whatever" i sigh as we start to head to the town, ready for the next day to come, and to hopefully find Amy.

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